Update (6. August 2015): diese Seite wurde bisher über 4000 mal aufgerufen. Die Chinesen haben wohl einen hoch automatisierten Prozess am laufen. Wobei wir uns freuen, dass unsere Seite dazu beiträgt, auf die Betrugsgefahr hinzuweisen. Inzwischen durften wir als Leser auch einen Nutzer der Botschaft der VR China in Deutschland begrüssen. ::: HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN ::: |
Fast wären wir aufgesessen ….
Es kam bei uns eine e-Mail aus China herein, in welcher wir von einem vermeintlichen Registrierungsoffice aus Shanghei ( yg-registry ltd.) darüber informiert wurden, dass eine Firma in China unsere Domain (www.contoba.com, www.contoba.de, www.contoba.eu, www.contoba.com.de) als www.contoba.com.cn anmelden wollte. Freundlicherweise wurden wir darauf hingewiesen, dass sie uns eine Art „Vorkaufsrecht“ einräumen würden, dass sie als gesetzestreue Firma dies immer so machen.
Wir waren angenehm überrascht von so viel Achtsamkeit und Fürsorge.
Einen Tag später traf auch noch eine Mail von einem Hotmail Konto (jiang.zhihai066@hotmail.com ) hier ein, in welcher ein Chinese sagte, dass er den Namen www.contoba.com.cn, www.contoba.cn, www.contoba.net.cn und www.contoba.org.cn für seine Firma registrieren wolle.
Darauf fragten wir bei www.yg-registryltd.com nach, was es denn kosten würde, wenn wir das selber registrieren würden. Prompt kam ein Angebot zurück, welches nicht gerade billig was (siehe hier). Natürlich mit dem Hinwies, dass Eile geboten sei.
Gott sei Dank, kamen wir doch noch auf die Idee, ein bisschen zu googeln: und siehe da, wir waren wohl drauf und dran, einer neunen Betrugsmasche aufzusitzen.
Wie rät mir immer ein indischer Freund: forget your German software (er meint damit mein Betriebssystem in meinem Kopf; und damit indirekt meinen Glauben an das Gute im Menschen)
Hier die Kommunikation:
Betreff: | „contoba“ |
Datum: | Tue, 22 Apr 2014 14:07:52 +0800 |
Von: | Jim Bing <jim.bing@yg-registryltd.com> |
An: | <xxx@contoba.de> |
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huayuan Ltd on April 21, 2014. They want to register “ contoba “ as their Internet Keyword and “ contoba .cn „、“ contoba .com.cn “ 、“ contoba .net.cn „、“ contoba .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find “ contoba “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,Jim
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: www.yg-registryltd.com
Betreff: | contoba |
Datum: | Mon, 28 Apr 2014 05:13:06 +0000 |
Von: | jiangzhihai <jiang.zhihai066@hotmail.com> |
An: | xxx@contoba.de |
Betreff: | Re: Re: Cn domain names & Internet Keyword |
Datum: | Mon, 5 May 2014 12:40:02 +0800 |
Von: | jim.bing <jim.bing@yg-registryltd.com> |
An: | Thomas Bauer <xxx@contoba.de> |
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: www.yg-registryltd.com
Hallo Herr / Frau Bauer,
auch ich bekam heute eine solche Mail. Erstmal geht einem ja alles durch den Kopf etwas beim Inhalt, bei der Registrierung etc. nicht beachtet zu haben. Usw. Aber warum dann die förmliche Anrede „Manager“? Und der komische Inhalt? Nach etwas Recherche stieß ich u.a. auf diesen Blog. Danke.
Hier die Mail nebst Signatur:
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on November 10, 2014. They want to register “ newsandtravel “ as their Internet Keyword and “ newsandtravel .cn „、“ newsandtravel .com.cn “ 、“ newsandtravel .net.cn „、“ newsandtravel .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find “ newsandtravel “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.yg-registry.com
Und dann habe ich meinen „persönlichen asiatischen Ansprechpartner hier gleich viermal gefunden.
Aktuell scheint der Name Steve Liu benutzt zu werden – Just4Info:
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On July 9, 2018 , we received an application from Kaining Ltd requested „brose-communication“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (brose-communication.cn, brose-communication.com.cn, brose-communication.net.cn, brose-communication.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your business partner in China?
Best Regards
Steve Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: steve@cnregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Bei mir ist die Mail von: Mike Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
Text identisch 🙂
So eine (von Mike Zhang) habe ich heute auch bekommen und nach kurzer Internetsuche diese und andere Seiten (teils bis auf 2012 zurueckgehend) gefunden, auf denen diese Sorte email als versuchter Betrug entlarvt wird. Kam mir ja schon komisch vor, aber es ist gut, das auch bestaetigt zu finden.
bei mir nennt er sich Peter Liu | Service & Operations Manager
Heute kam auch bei mir eine solche Anfrage an. Absender war Egan Tang egant@yd-registered.com. Er stellte im Auftrag der Waishan International Ltd. die bekannte Anfrage…
Hallo zusammen, die Masche geht weiter deswegen wachsam bleiben. Interessant, das sich auch der Endnutzer
(Gareth Jing, mit Gmail-Adresse) meldet und auf den cn & keywords besteht ‚contatcs
für alle Fälle, damit (neu in meinem Fall Peter und der Rest keine Chance bekommen mit Ihrer Masche weiterzumachen:
Peter Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: peter@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
Vielen Dank für den Blog. Ich dachte schon den Chinesen liegt was an meinem Wohlergehen. 🙂
Meine Mail kam angeblich von:
TAZ = http://www.taztc.org =
Dear CEO/Principal,
The „vabolino“ name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding „vabolino“ network brand and some „vabolino“ based asia domain names(.cn/.hk/.tw/.in Etc). We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Tirs Ltd,they want to register the „vabolino“ network brand and some domain names. Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have authorize the company to apply these names. Now we are handling this registration, If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Vince Hu
Senior Consultant Manager
… und gelöscht !
Auch von mir einen herzlichen Dank für den Blog. Wir erhielten heute eine Mail mit gleichem Wortlaut, ebenfalls mit „Best regards“ von Vince Hu.
Dear CEO/Principal,
The „xxx“ name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding „xxx“ network brand and some „xxx“ based asia domain names(.cn/.hk/.tw/.in Etc). We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Tirs Ltd, they want to register the „meku-pollaehne“ network brand and some domain names. Firstly, we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have authorize the company to apply these names. Now we are handling this registration, If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Vince Hu
Senior Consultant Manager
E-Mail gelöscht.
Genau diesen von Vince Hu erhielten wir auch!
Jetzt nennt er sich:
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@cnregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org.cn
Und Gareth Jing meldet sich auch von seinem gmail account aus 🙂
Hab ihm mal geantwortet das mir das wurscht ist und er gerne meine Domains kaufen kann wenn der Preis stimmt. Mal schauen ob und was da kommt 🙂
Danke! Habe heute den selben Schmäh bekommen. Es war schon das zweite Mal. Ich wollte selber vor einiger Zeit eine Web-Seite mit einem Namen erstellen, den mir nicht erlaubt wurde, weil die Adresse leider schon vergeben war. So kann sich diese E-Mail nur um einen Betrug handeln.
Vielen Dank für den Beitrag. Wir haben heute ebenfalls eine Anfrage bekommen uns sie wollten unsere Domaine http://www.aurasenus.com kaufen.
Und hier das Mail:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a domain registrar. We received application request from Maqun International Ltd, they apply to register aurasensus as their brand and top-level domain names. we found the main body of those domain names is same as your company name. I confirm with your company about the relationship between you two companies. Please let me know whether or not you authorize them to register those domain names.
Right now, we don’t pass their registration request. We are confirming it whether or not you authorize them to register those domain names.. looking forward to your reply, thanks.
Best Regards
Dana Tian
Tel:0086-551 634 911 93
Fax:0086-551 634 911 92
Address:No.220,Tian Heng Building,fanhu Road,Hefei China
Ich habe eben auch gestaunt, als ich diese Mail aus China im Spam fand.
Beim Googeln der chinesischen Domain bin ich auf eine Warnung gestoßen.
Und jetzt auf diese Website, zum Glück. Die Chinesen treiben wohl schon länger ihr Unwesen damit.
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on December 22, 2014. They want to register.org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.yg-registry.com
Diese Schreiben werden automatisch (und vermutlich in Massen) von einem Bot verfasst; die Anrede »Dear Manager« ist geschlechtsneutral, so dass der Bot da nichts falsch machen kann.
Das einzig individuelle an so einem Schreiben ist die Domain, von der der Bot Ihre E-Mail extrahiert hat (z.B. contoba oder newsandtravel).
Jim Bing nennt sich jetzt Jim Wang.
Text und Masche haben sich nicht geändert
Ein schlitzohriges Schlitzauge.
Danke, dass Sie Ihre Erfahrung in’s Net stellten,
damit kann man diese Attacke gelassen aussitzen.
Diese Email mit auffallend falschem Datum bekam ich am 10.1.15 von Jim Gong. Die Mailadressen hängen nicht mal annäherend mit unserer Firmendomain zusammen.
Von: Jim Gong [mailto:jim.gong@yg-registry.org.cn]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2015 04:58
Betreff: Re:“online-marketing-pinboard“
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on January 5, 2015. They want to register “ online-marketing-pinboard “ as their Internet Keyword and “ online-marketing-pinboard .cn „、“ online-marketing-pinboard .com.cn “ 、“ online-marketing-pinboard .net.cn „、“ online-marketing-pinboard .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find „online-marketing-pinboard “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.yg-registry.org.cn
Wir haben heute ebenfalls dieses eMail bekommen.
Die Absender-URL (Domain) scheint sich geändert zu haben:
bisher: yg-registry.com
neu: ygregistry.org.cn
Text ansonsten völlig identisch.
Auch unser Absender heißt Jim Wang.
Vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag ! 🙂
So kann man Betrug gezielt vermeiden.
Von: Jim Wang [mailto:jim.wang@ygregistry.org.cn]
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on January 19, 2015. They want to register … they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.ygregistry.org.cn
Hey zusammen,
bei mir hiess er Jim Gong 🙂
Danke für den Text… habe schon geschmunzelt.. und hätte eh nicht darauf reagiert!
ich habe heute von „Jim Zhang“ die Mail bekommen. Werde dank der Hinweise hier natürlich nichts unternehmen.
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on January 19, 2015. They want to register “ moba-paffenholz “ as their Internet Keyword and “ moba-paffenholz .cn „?“ moba-paffenholz .com.cn “ ?“ moba-paffenholz .net.cn „?“ moba-paffenholz .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find “ moba-paffenholz “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.ygregistry.org.cn
Nachtrag zu meinem obigen Eintag:
Ich habe die exakt gleiche Mail in einem weiteren Postfach von mir vorgefunden.
Beide Email-Adressen sind jedoch nicht bei der Denic hinterlegt. Dort ist eine ganz andere eingetragen.
Also ab in den Reisswolf ….
Klaus Paffenholz
bei mir war es wieder “ Jim Wang“ …. General Manager ;-), Text wie gehabt
Danke für Infos
Auch mich hat fürsorglich „Jim“ kontaktiert,
aber ich habe vor Aktionen gegoogelt und bin hier gelandet.
Also Papierkorb.
Danke für den Beitrag
Ich bekam heute auch ne Mail, das diese Firma meine Seite angeblich REGISTRIEREN will,..
Einmal sogar auf
sowie einmal auf
Da beide Domains mir gehören,. forschte ich genauer nach.
Ich habe sofort bei meinem Domain Server Anbieter angerufen,. und der sagte mir, das ich auf keinen fall reagieren soll.
Dann habe ich mal google genutzt, und habe euren Text hier gefunden.
Der Text gleicht bis aufs i Tüpfelchen meinem mir zugeschicktem Text.
Nur das dort natürlich meine beiden Domains standen.
Heftig !!
Vielen Dank, das Ihr das hier veröffentlicht habt.
Hallo, auch ich bekam vor ein paar Tagen diese Mail. Nachdem ich anfangs gegrübelt habe, wie ausgerechnet in China jemand auf einen Firmennamen wie meinen kommen kann, da dort ja rein gar nix „chinesisch“ klingt, verhalf mir mal wieder mein Hang dazu erstmal alles zu googeln. Prompt bin ich auf euren Text gestoßen. Die Anschrift hat sich inzwischen ein wenig geändert, der Rest ist identisch. Vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag! 🙂
Mail von: Jim Bing
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayu Ltd on April 20, 2015. They want to register “ carosnaehseum “ as their Internet Keyword and “ carosnaehseum .cn „、“ carosnaehseum .com.cn “ 、“ carosnaehseum .net.cn „、“ carosnaehseum .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find “ carosnaehseum “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org
Ein freundliches „Fuck off and die“ war unsere Antwort auf das freundliche Anliegen
Diese Variante habe ich erhalten: Jim Bing
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cn-registry.org.cn
Heute wieder so eine Email jetzt ist der Absender:
Jim Wang
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayu Ltd on May 4, 2015. They want to register “ wolff-kollegen “ as their Internet Keyword and “ wolff-kollegen .cn „、“ wolff-kollegen .com.cn “ 、“ wolff-kollegen .net.cn „、“ wolff-kollegen .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find “ wolff-kollegen “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Danke Dr. Bauer,
mir haben „Jim Wang“ und „Jiang Zhihai“ die ebenselben Mails geschrieben.
Obgleich ich mittlerweile recht abgehärtet bin, was Spam, Phishing und andere Betrugsversuche im Internet angeht, haben mich zumindest die erste beiden Mails der o.g. „Herren“ noch auf dem falsche Fuß erwischt.
Erst das angebotene Vorkaufsrecht in Mail Nr.2 von Jim und im Nachgang auch die „Registrierung“ eines Internet Keywords(!?) reaktivierten bei mir die Schutzreflexe und beim ersten Googeln bin ich auf ihre Seite gestoßen.
Also vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag zur Aufklärung dieser weiteren Betrugsvariante.
Beste Grüße
Ich hab auch so eine Mail bekommen.
Beim ersten Mal hab ich noch geantwortet,das es meine Adresse in Deutschland sei.
Hatte mich aber kurz danach gefragt,was Chinesen mit ner deutschen Domain wollen,das versteht da doch keiner das Wort.
Als dann das mit dem angebot kam,kams mir komisch vor und prombt fand ich die Seite hier.
Hier mal die dritte Mail da war es Jim:
Dear XXX,
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN domain names (cn/ com.cn/ net.cn/ org.cn) and internet keyword on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN domain names (cn/ com.cn/ net.cn/ org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form and the price list to you and help you register these within dispute period.
Kind regards
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.com
Die erste war das:
Dear Sirs,
Our company based in chinese office, our company has submitted the “ xxxxxx “ as CN(.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn) domain name and Internet Keyword, we are waiting for Mr. Jim’s approval. We think this name is very important for our products in Chinese market. Even though Mr. Jim advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Best regards
Jiang zhihai
Und daher wurds geschickt:
Und das war die erste:
ear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayu Ltd on May 4, 2015. They want to register “ indianersachen-online “ as their Internet Keyword and “ indianersachen-online .cn „、“ indianersachen-online .com.cn “ 、“ indianersachen-online .net.cn „、“ indianersachen-online .org.cn “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find “ indianersachen-online “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.com
Vielen Dank für die Info – mir wurde solche Mail auch geschickt, zum Glück fand ich diesen Artikel hier!!
LG Peter Ebeling
Der nette Jim hatte uns vor einigen tagen ebenfalls darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass ein Chinese die Domain registrieren lassen wollte. Im Glauben an das gute haben wir noch ebenso höflich geantwortet und unsere Domain zum kauf angeboten- natürlich blieb die Reaktion aus.
Die heutige neuerliche Mail – diesmal von Jim Gong – machte uns dann doch stutzig – und dank dieser Seite bestätigte sich dann der Betrugsverdacht.
Danke für die Infos!!!!!
Hallo, auch wir haben eine e-mail von den Chinesen bekommen und wurden – wie alle anderen – auch erst mal stutzig, was es denn damit auf sich hat. Wir haben sofort unseren Administrator angesprochen und nachgefragt und er hat uns sofort auf diese Betrugsmasche hingewiesen und uns den Link zu Ihrem Blog geschickt.
Super, vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und das Veröffentlichen dieser Machenschaften.
MfG aus Spanien
Jetzt haben die Chinesen schon Interesse an deutschen Feuerwehrseiten 🙂
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huada Ltd on May 11, 2015. They want to register “ feuerwehr-walkertshofen “ as their Internet Keyword and “ feuerwehr-walkertshofen .cn „、“ feuerwehr-walkertshofen .com.cn “ 、“ feuerwehr-walkertshofen .net.cn „、“ feuerwehr-walkertshofen .org.cn “ 、“ feuerwehr-walkertshofen .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ feuerwehr-walkertshofen “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.org
Scheinbar ist Jim oder John gerade so richtig in Fahrt. Auch ich hab gestern eine solche E-Mail bekommen und hätte auch fast geantwortet… Aber dank dieser (und anderer, meist englischsprachiger Seiten) gerade noch die Kurve gekriegt 😉
Zufällig hab ich heut auch eine solche Nachricht von jim.gong@cn-registry.org in meinem SPAM-Folder entdeckt.
Ich hatte nicht vor zu antworten, habe mir aber Gedanken gemacht, ob es sinnvoll ist einen Namen zusätzlich schützen zu lassen.
Die Masche scheint wohl immer noch zu laufen. Ich erhielt heute auch eine entsprechende Mail von Herrn Jim Gong. Was genau ist eigentlich das Ziel dieser Mails? Hat da jemand eine Vermutung?
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on June 1, 2015. They want to register “ woozulu “ as their Internet Keyword and “ woozulu .cn „、“ woozulu .com.cn “ 、“ woozulu .net.cn „、“ woozulu .org.cn “ 、“ woozulu .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ woozulu “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org
… ok, gerade Euer PDF entdeckt. Also wieder mal pure Geldschneiderei. Was hätte auch sonst dahinter stecken sollen.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir haben heute auch diese ominöse E-Mail erhalten.
Herzlichen Dank für diese Hinweise
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on June 8, 2015. They want to register “ xxx “ as their Internet Keyword and “ xxx.cn „、“ jetztzocken .com.cn “ 、“ xxx.net.cn „、“ xxx.org.cn “ 、“ xxx.asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ xxx“ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnregistry.com.cn
erstmal vielen Dank für Ihren Eintrag.
Selbstverständlich habe ich mir beim ersten Durchlesen der Mail aus China, die ebenfalls genau den selben Inhalt hatte, schon gedacht das dies mal wieder so ein Abzockding ist.
Wie ich gerade hier gelesen habe, haben einige von Ihnen geantwortet und Emails mit Angeboten und so weiter erhalten. Ich hoffe nur, das falls diese Angebote in irgend welchen Anhängen waren, keiner von Ihnen diese geöffnet hat. Denn ansonsten tippe ich mal, das sie sich mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Trojaner von den Chinesen eingefangen haben dürften.
Falls sie doch irgendwelche Anhänge geöffnet haben sollten, so würde eine gründliche Überprüfung ihrer Systeme, gegebenenfalls ein Zurücksetzen Ihres Systems auf ein Datum vor dem öffnen der Anhänge sicher nicht verkehrt sein.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Das Geschäftsmodell der Chinesen basiert darauf, Europäern Angst einzujagen, dass die Domain in China mit dem Zusatz *.cn angemeldet wird. Die Dokumente die verschickt werden, sind klassische PDF’s (Preislisten, Dienstleistungsvertrag). Bei mir waren keine Viren drin. Ziel ist also, Unternehmen zu finden, die dafür zahlen wollen, dass man mit seiner Domain einen Fuss auf dem Chinesischen Festland hat.
Natürlich kann es sein, dass in einer folgenden Ausbauphase auch noch virenverseuchte Anhänge auftauchen, von daher ist sicher Vorsicht geboten.
Da hier auf dieser Seite ein Zugriffszähler mitläuft, wissen wir, dass es viele Betroffene gibt (pro Tag so 20 -30)
ich bekam Post von Jim Wang. aber ehrlich Leute, was wollen Chinesen mit dem Domainnamen Duckiversum??? War mir klar, dass das nix gescheites sein kann. Nach etwas Recherche kam ich hierher.
In Duckiversum bleibt alles beim alten 😉
Unser Chor hat auch so eine Mail bekommen – ich fand es auch gleich sehr dubios …
Danke, für die ganzen Infos hier!
Danke für diese wertvolle Hinweisseite, ich bekam sie als 2. Ergebnis beim Googeln nach „cn-registry.cn“, gleiche Masche (von heute, 3.7.15):
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on June 29, 2015. They want to register “ frankhissen “ as their Internet Keyword and “ frankhissen .cn „、“ frankhissen .com.cn “ 、“ frankhissen .net.cn „、“ frankhissen .org.cn “ 、“ frankhissen .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ frankhissen “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
habe auch gerade eine solche E-Mail erhalten bzgl. meiner Domain lichtl.org. Besonders nett finde ich die Namensgebung „Jim Bing/Gong/etc“ 😉 und die Tatsache, dass die bei mir genannte Firma in China Huayi LTD. tatsächlich etwas mit Licht zu tun hat. Immerhin. ;-p Allerdings glaube ich kaum dass Asiaten etwas mit meinem Namen anfangen können.
Trotzdem, dank des Aufbaus und eben der evtl. doch möglichen Verbindung der Firma mit der Bedeutung meines Namens war ich leicht verunsichert. Also, vielen Dank für die Infos! Super. 🙂
Wir haben heute auch eine solche Mail bekommen. Absender: jim.gong@cnweb-registry.com. Gleicher Inhalt. Danke für den Eintrag, sonst hätte ich das vielleicht ernst genommen, auch wenn ich gleich skeptisch war…
Erstmal vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag.
Heute lag bei mir ebenfalls diese Mail im Postfach. Ich habe mich schon gewundert, was die mit dem für Asien doch etwas ungewöhnlichen Domain-Namen anfangen wollten.
Der Absender hieß Jim Wang, seines Zeichen General Manager des Shanghai Office
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
habe heute auch so eine Email bekommen. Mein guter Herr nannte sich Jim Gong.
Ich war schon kurz davor zu antworten, aber dank euch kann ich mir die Aufregung und Zeit jetzt sparen.
Vielen lieben Dank,
Danke für den Beitrag.
Hatte gestern die Mail von „Jim Bing“ mit bekanntem Aufbau im Postfach 😉
Heute habe ich auch so eine Mail bekommen. Da ich es merkwürdig fand bin ich über Google auf die suche gegangen. Zum Glück habe ich die Seite hier gefunden.
Lg. Christel
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on July 13, 2015. They want to register “ diekreativtruhe “ as their Internet Keyword and “ diekreativtruhe .cn „、“ diekreativtruhe .com.cn “ 、“ diekreativtruhe .net.cn „、“ diekreativtruhe .org.cn “ 、“ diekreativtruhe .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ diekreativtruhe “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnregistry.com.cn
Hallo zusammen!
Der Spuk geht weiter! Super, dass es euren Blog gibt! Auch ich habe nun eine ähnliche Mail erhalten:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on July 13, 2015. They want to register “ immobilien-wohnbefinden “ as their Internet Keyword and “ immobilien-wohnbefinden .cn „?“ immobilien-wohnbefinden .com.cn “ ?“ immobilien-wohnbefinden .net.cn „?“ immobilien-wohnbefinden .org.cn “ ?“ immobilien-wohnbefinden .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ immobilien-wohnbefinden “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cn-registry.com
Wie gut, dass ich auf eure Seite gestoßen bin, denn es hört sich ja doch sehr seriös an. Ich hatte mir aber schon gedacht, dass vielleicht irgendetwas von wegen „Sichern Sie sich die Domain“ oder so dahinter steckt. Traurig, dass so viele kriminelle Machenschaften weiterhin bestehen bleiben!!
Ich habe ebenfalls genau so eine Nachricht erhalten.
Bei mir tauchte er heute (25.7.15) erstmals als
„Jim Wang“ auf.
Der Text war unverändert,
der Trick war bei mir neu, obwohl ich 5 Domains verwalte.
Danke für die posts,
habe heute eine Nachricht von Jim Wang erhalten. Da ich bei solchen „Angeboten“ sehr hellhörig und vorsichtig bin, habe ich dank Google hierher gefunden.
Vielen Dank für diese Seite.
Hallo zusammen,
Bei mir kam die gleichlautende mail von Jim Bing (jim.bing@cnweb-registry.org). Dachte mir aber gleich, dass das nur unseriös sein kann.
Viele Grüße
PS GMX hat die mail übrigens direkt in den Spam-Ordner sortiert
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On July 27, 2015, we received an application from Huakun Holdings Ltd requested „xxxx“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names. But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Kind regards
Peter Zhang
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
B06, Yujing Building, No.1 Jihe Road,
Shanghai 201107, China
Tel: +86 21 6191 8696
Mobile: +86 138 1642 8671
Fax: +86 21 6191 8697
Web: http://www.yiguandns.com
Hallo an Alle,
die Burschen haben’s auch heute bei mir versucht. Da hab ich mal nach der vermeindlichen Firma gegoogelt und Euch gefunden 🙂
so sihte’s bei mir aus, Mail 1:
von: jim.gong@cnwebregistry.org
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on July 20, 2015. They want to register “ inventorscout “ as their Internet Keyword and “ inventorscout .cn „、“ inventorscout .com.cn “ 、“ inventorscout .net.cn „、“ inventorscout .org.cn “ 、“ inventorscout .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ inventorscout “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnwebregistry.org
die zweite Mail war von unserem vermeindlichen Freund:
Dear Sirs,
Our company based in chinese office, our company has submitted the “ inventorscout “ as CN/ASIA(.asia/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn) domain name and Internet Keyword, we are waiting for Mr. Jim’s approval. We think this name is very important for our products in Chinese and Asia market. Even though Mr. Jim advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Best regards
Jiang zhihai
Nun, diese zweite Mail ist die Typische Betrügermasche.
Danke an Euch und Dr. Bauer für die Bestätigung und diesen Blog
F. Krick
Vielen Dank für diese Seite!
Meins war Jim Ying…
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on August 3, 2015. They want to register “ enviro-pro “ as their Internet Keyword and “ enviro-pro .cn „、“ enviro-pro .com.cn “ 、“ enviro-pro .net.cn „、“ enviro-pro .org.cn “ 、“ enviro-pro .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ enviro-pro “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cn-registry.net
Hallo an Alle,
auch von meiner Seite aus vielen Dank für die hier eingestellten Infos. Heute habe auch ich solch eine Mail erhalten:
Mi 05.08.2015 16:57
Jim Bing [jim.bing@cnregistry.org]
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on August 5, 2015. They want to register “ ab-consulting-coaching “ as their Internet Keyword and “ ab-consulting-coaching .cn „、“ ab-consulting-coaching .com.cn “ 、“ ab-consulting-coaching .net.cn „、“ ab-consulting-coaching .org.cn “ 、“ ab-consulting-coaching .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ ab-consulting-coaching “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org
No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG – http://www.avg.com
Version: 2015.0.6086 / Virus Database: 4392/10373 – Release Date: 08/04/15
Ich kann auch mitspielen 🙂 – Vielen Dank für den Beitrag contra Betrugsversuch!
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on August 3, 2015. They want to register “ life-in “ as their Internet Keyword and “ life-in .cn „、“ life-in .com.cn “ 、“ life-in .net.cn „、“ life-in .org.cn “ 、“ life-in .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ life-in “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cn-registry.com
Und die Nummer läuft und läuft………vielen Dank beim Erkennen der Betrugsmasche !!
Hier mein Text
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on August 5, 2015. They want to register “ “ as their Internet Keyword and “ “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org
Heute kam exakt die gleiche Serien E-Mail bei mir an, nur dass der Firmenname des Kunden ausgetauscht wurde. Ich dachte mir schon dass das Scam ist, aber ich lasse mir auf jeden Fall noch ein Angebot zuschicken 😉
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on August 3, 2015. They want to register “ philipp-lutz “ as their Internet Keyword and “ philipp-lutz .cn „、“ philipp-lutz .com.cn “ 、“ philipp-lutz .net.cn „、“ philipp-lutz .org.cn “ 、“ philipp-lutz .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ philipp-lutz “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnweb.org.cn
auch auf meiner Website http://mein-haus-garten.com/ hat unser Jim zugeschlagen. Habe mich schon gewundert, da meine Seite nicht unbedingt so asiatisch klingt 😉
Und es gibt Neuigkeiten. Es kam mal wieder eine geänderte Web Adresse hinzu.
Hier die Original Mail
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on August 3, 2015. They want to register “ mein-haus-garten “ as their Internet Keyword and “ mein-haus-garten .cn „、“ mein-haus-garten .com.cn “ 、“ mein-haus-garten .net.cn „、“ mein-haus-garten .org.cn “ 、“ mein-haus-garten .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ mein-haus-garten “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnwebregistry.org.cn
Ich ahnte es, danke nun für die Gewißheit, es betrifft die Webseite meiner Frau, also nichts Geschäftliches, aber immerhin. Der Text ähnlich wie alle bereits geposteten. Nun denn, da ein Bot kein Mensch ist, muss man ja auch nicht antworten.
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on August 3, 2015. They want to register “ katharina-oehmichen-kunst “ as their Internet Keyword and “ katharina-oehmichen-kunst .cn „、“ katharina-oehmichen-kunst .com.cn “ 、“ katharina-oehmichen-kunst .net.cn „、“ katharina-oehmichen-kunst .org.cn “ 、“ katharina-oehmichen-kunst .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ katharina-oehmichen-kunst “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cn-registry.net
This scamm incoming in Romania too.
I received 2 similar emails last days.
from jim.wang@cnwebregistry.com
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huake Ltd on August 10, 2015. They want to register “ xxl “ as their Internet Keyword and “ xxl .cn „、“ xxl .com.cn “ 、“ xxl .net.cn „、“ xxl .org.cn “ 、“ xxl .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ xxl “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnwebregistry.com
Second from jiang_zhihai86@vip.163.com:
Dear Sirs,
Our company based in chinese office, our company has submitted the “ xxl “ as CN/ASIA(.asia/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn) domain name and Internet Keyword, we are waiting for Mr. Jim’s approval. We think this name is very important for our products in Chinese and Asia market. Even though Mr. Jim advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Best regards
Jiang zhihai
Thanks a lot for your post.
Probably talking about marketing for chinese domain registry.
Die Mail betrifft die Seite unserer Ev. Kirchengemeinde, dem Missbrauch ist natürlich hier Tür und Tor geöffnet.
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayin Ltd on October 9, 2015. They want to register “ ev-kirche-berleburg “ as their Internet Keyword and “ ev-kirche-berleburg .cn „、“ ev-kirche-berleburg .com.cn “ 、“ ev-kirche-berleburg .net.cn „、“ ev-kirche-berleburg .org.cn “ 、“ ev-kirche-berleburg .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ ev-kirche-berleburg “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cn-registry.cn
Heute um 13:10 Uhr: Der gleiche Text von Jim Wang. Die in der Mail angegebene Domain wird offensichtlich immer anhand realer NIC-Einträge benutzt; bei mir wurde zusätzlich noch ein Präfix verwendet (aus „___.de“ wurde „ho___.cn“ usw.).
Das Verhängnisvolle an der Masche ist, dass die angeschriebenen Personen i.d.R. tatsächlich Eigentümer der entsprechenden Originaldomainnamen sind. Glücklicherweise prüfe ich bei solchen Dingen gerne mal mit Tante Google gegen — und bin prompt hier gelandet. Kann ich nur allen Betroffenen ebenfalls empfehlen.
hallo Herr Dr. Bauer,
der Betrüger ist weiterhin aktiv. Auch ich habe da nette mails erhalten, wo er die Hand aufhält:
siehe unten:
> ———- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ———-
> Von: „jim.wang“
> An: „Dr. Martin S.“
> Datum: 13. November 2015 um 07:43
> Betreff: Re: Re: CN/ASIA domain names & Internet Keyword
> Dear Dr. Martin S.:
> Thanks for your email. We send your company the application form to fill in (PDF format), please check the attachment. You can find the cost from this form. If your company want to make this application, please fill in this form and send it back with your company registration certificate (business license) by email within 3 business days.
> Best Regards
> Jim
> General Manager
> Shanghai Office (Head Office)
> 3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
> Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
> Tel: +86 216191 8696
> Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
> Fax: +86 216191 8697
> Web: http://www.cn-registry.com
> From: Dr. Martin S.
> Sent: 2015-11-11 20:25:32
> To: Jim
> Subject: Re: CN/ASIA domain names & Internet Keyword
> Hey Jim,
> please send to me your price list and the application form.
> Best regards
> Martin
>> Jim hat am 11. November 2015 um 06:46 geschrieben:
>> Dear Dr. Martin S.,
>> Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN/ASIA domain names (asia/ cn/ com.cn/ net.cn/ org.cn) and internet keyword on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
>> According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN/ASIA domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN/ASIA domain names (asia/ cn/ com.cn/ net.cn/ org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form and the price list to you and help you register these within dispute period.
>> Kind regards
>> Jim
>> General Manager
>> Shanghai Office (Head Office)
>> 3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
>> Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
>> Tel: +86 216191 8696
>> Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
>> Fax: +86 216191 8697
>> Web: http://www.cn-registry.com
auch wir haben am vergangenen Wochenende die besagte Email bekommen und heute auch die zweite. Ich spare mir, sie hier nochmals anzuhängen, es steht offensichtlich immer das gleiche darin.
Vielen Dank für die Veröffentlichung dieser Masche, jetzt können wir uns beruhigt zurücklegen 😉
Herzliche Grüße
Ute R.
Edward Zhang
General Manager
Bei mir war es dieser Herr. Gut das es diese Seite gibt.
Danke nochmal
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Dec 10, 2015, we received an application from Huaxun Holdings Ltd requested „sm-moebel“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names. But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Kind regards
Edward Zhang
General Manager
China Registry (Headquarters)
8052, Douhai Building, No. 59 Baolian Road,
Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 6191 8696
Mobile: +86 138 1642 8671
Fax: +86 21 6191 8697
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Hallo liebe Leute,
auch hier von mir ein herzliches Dankeschön. Mein Text weicht zwar ab, aber die Masche weicht Inhaltlich nicht ab.
Vielleicht denken die, wenn sie sich Namen geben wie diesen hier „Mike LAW“, dass das ganze seriöser rüber kommt.
To whom it may concern:
We are the Registrars accredited by China Internet Network Information Center. We have something to confirm with you. On December 15th, 2015, we received an application in which a company by the name PAVCE GROUP applied to register “ bd-fouta “ as their Brand Name and some Asia domain names through our firm.
Now we are handling this registration. After our initial checking, we found that the name are identical to your company’s. We need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you have authorized this, we will finish the registration at once. If not, please let us know within 7 workdays, in which case we will dicuss the matter more thoroughly. If not otherwise advised within that time limit we will proceed with the registration for PAVCE GROUP . We will be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day!
Best Regards
Mike Law
Manager of Registration Dept.
Tel: +86. 551.65184482 || Fax: +86. 551.65128724
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei City, AnHui , China
Hallo und guten Morgen,
sehr hilfreich hier, die vielen Informationen.
Ich habe auch erst einen Moment gezuickt, bin mir aber jetzt sicher: FAKE ! Also, Finger davon lassen. habe heute folgende Mail von Mike bekommen:
To whom it may concern:
We are the Registrars accredited by China Internet Network Information Center. We have something to confirm with you. On December 17th, 2015, we received an application in which a company by the name PAVCE GROUP applied to register “ xxxxxxxxxxx “ as their Brand Name and some Asia domain names through our firm.
Now we are handling this registration. After our initial checking, we found that the name are identical to your company’s. We need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you have authorized this, we will finish the registration at once. If not, please let us know within 7 workdays, in which case we will dicuss the matter more thoroughly. If not otherwise advised within that time limit we will proceed with the registration for PAVCE GROUP . We will be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day!
Best Regards
Mike Law
Manager of Registration Dept.
Tel: +86. 551.65184482 || Fax: +86. 551.65128724
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei City, AnHui , China
Hallo Kollegen
die Gauner haben einen neuen Namen und eine neue Adresse
Dear sir or madam,
This is a confirmation letter regarding registration of your company name jbconsult, please read it carefully. We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names. Today, Our center received an application from Jean Lou Technology Co.,Ltd and they apply to register jbconsult as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Carlos Luo
Tel: +86.551-6349-1191
Fax: +86.551-6349-1192
Address: New Center Building A,XiYou Road,Hefei China
,,So ist es.. kam heute noch warm…!
From: Ben Chan
Date: 23 grudnia 2015 06:23:50 CET
Subject: [SPAM] „mydomain“
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is a letter to confirm the registration of your company name madomain, please read it carefully. Today, Our center received an application from TOFEN Solutions Ltd and they apply to register mydomain as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Ben Chan
Tel: +86.551-6349-1191
Fax: +86.551-6349-1192
Address:New Center Building A,XiYou Road,Hefei China
wir hatten die gleiche Mail, mit etwas verändertem Sender:
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is a letter to confirm the registration of your company name mydomain, please read it carefully. Today, Our center received an application from PALTR Trading Ltd and they apply to register mydomain as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Felix Zhang
Tel: +86.551-6349-1191
Fax: +86.551-6349-1192
Address:New Center Building A,XiYou Road,Hefei China
Huhu 🙂 Also dieser Jim Bing ist aber außerordentlich fleißig 🙂
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huabao Ltd on January 4, 2016. They want to register “ quatsch-matsch “ as their Internet Keyword and “ quatsch-matsch .cn „、“ quatsch-matsch .com.cn “ 、“ quatsch-matsch .net.cn „、“ quatsch-matsch .org.cn “ 、“ quatsch-matsch .asia “ domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ quatsch-matsch “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Web: http://www.cnwebregistry.org.cn
Ich dachte nur: Was will der von mir? Achso, ist nur Spam 😀
…ich habe auch erst einmal gezuckt und dachte, och nee, weil ich auch schon mal auf einer Messe in China war.
Aber ich bin nach kurzem googeln hier gelandet, alles klar.
Mir schrieb Mike Law (spätestens bei dem Namen wurde ich aber sowieso stutzig) 😀
To whom it may concern:
We are the Registrars accredited by China Internet Network Information Center. We have something to confirm with you. On January 12th, 2016, we received an application in which a company by the name PAVCE GROUP applied to register “ xxx “ as their Brand Name and some Asia domain names through our firm.
Now we are handling this registration. After our initial checking, we found that the name are identical to your company’s. We need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you have authorized this, we will finish the registration at once. If not, please let us know within 7 workdays, in which case we will dicuss the matter more thoroughly. If not otherwise advised within that time limit we will proceed with the registration for PAVCE GROUP . We will be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day!
Best Regards
Mike Law
Manager of Registration Dept.
Tel: +86. 551.65184482 || Fax: +86. 551.65128724
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei City, AnHui , China
our company in the US just got the same email — my German is very bad…are we all in agreement this is some kind of spam or phishing tool?
Dear Leslie,
thanks for reporting that this method to rip-off the Westerners has reached the US Market as well
As proposed: yes it is a strategy to convince us, that it is necessary to register our domain names in China as well.
I hope they will find it hard to convince us to follow such a strange idea
With kind regards from Germany
Thank you for reporting this!
They tried this method for us, but we verified and we found your site.
Kind regards from Romania
Jim Bing hat Nachwuchs bekommen … 🙂
(Forward to the President or CEO. Thank you .)
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is a confirmation letter regarding registration of your company’s brand, please read it thoroughly. We are a registrar for brand and domain names in China. We received an application from TEPVO GROUP who applies to register “ atalantes-spirit “ as their brand name and some top-level domain names (CN / HK etc). We found the main body of domain names they apply to register is same as your company. We inform you of this matter because it involves your intellectual property.
I am handling this case. Please let me know whether or not you authorized them to register it. If you authorize them, I will pass their registration; if not, please let me know it so as to let me handle it better. Please send me an e-mail to confirm it. Have a nice day!
Best Regards
Mike Law
Manager of Registration Dept.
Tel: +86. 551.65128124 || Fax: +86. 551.65128724
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei City, AnHui , China
Genau das gleiche bei mir:
(Forward to the President or CEO)
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is a confirmation letter regarding registration of your company’s brand, please read it thoroughly. We are a registrar for brand and domain names in China. We received an application from YUANGUO GROUP who applies to register „martin-siepmann“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names (CN / HK etc). We found the main body of domain names they apply to register is same as your company. We inform you of this matter because it involves your intellectual property.
I am handling this case. Please let me know whether or not you authorized them to register it. If you authorize them, I will pass their registration; if not, please let me know it so as to let me handle it better. Please send me an e-mail to confirm it. Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Tim Huang
Head of International Business – Registration Department
Phone: +86-55165128124 || Fax: +86-55165128724
Web: www. yip .asia
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei City, AnHui, China
Vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag, da hat das morgendliche Vorsichtsgoogeln doch was gebracht! Bei mir war es Max Dong von ip-ss.org. Nun weiß ich, dass ich nicht reagieren muss/sollte!
Inzwischen schreiben wir Mai 2016 und das Spiel geht weiter… Mir kam das gleich komisch vor und ich habe gleich mal gegooglet. Dieser Bericht bestätigt mein Misstrauen. Mich kontaktierte Daniel Xu
General Manager
China Registry (Head Office)
Es ist also weiterhin Vorsicht geboten bei e-mails aus China. Erst recht, wenn man sonst keine geschäftlichen Kontakte dorthin pflegt!
29.05.2016 – Long John DOng und sein Kumpel Hau Mich Weg brauchen Geld – bekam heute auch diesen Unsinn geschickt!
Das Spiel geht immer noch weiter. Ich hatte auch erst vermutet, dass es eine seriöse Sache ist, weil ich mit solchen Domain Händlern keinen Kontakt pflege und meine Domain ausschließlich für private Zwecke im Bereich Mail und DNS benötigt wird. Aber ich hab dann mal Google bemüht und diese Seite gefunden und werde nichts machen.
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huabao Ltd on May 30, 2016. They want to register “ up4 “ as their Internet Keyword and “ up4 .cn „、“ up4 .com.cn “ 、“ up4 .net.cn „、“ up4 .org.cn “ 、“ up4 .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ up4 “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Tel: +86 21 6191 8696
Mobile: +86 187 0199 4951
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.org
Danke an alle für diese Seite!
Mir kam die ganze Sache auch seltsam vor und habe erstmal Google durchsucht.
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huabao Ltd on May 30, 2016. They want to register “ map-design “ as their Internet Keyword and “ map-design .cn „、“ map-design .com.cn “ 、“ map-design .net.cn „、“ map-design .org.cn “ 、“ map-design .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ map-design “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Tel: +86 21 6191 8696
Mobile: +86 187 0199 4951
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.org
Hallo auch,
auch ich bin nun Empfänger einer solchen Nachricht geworden, siehe hier:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huabao Ltd on May 30, 2016. They want to register “ kruegermartin “ as their Internet Keyword and “ kruegermartin .cn „、“ kruegermartin .com.cn “ 、“ kruegermartin .net.cn „、“ kruegermartin .org.cn “ 、“ kruegermartin .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ kruegermartin “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Tel: +86 21 6191 8696
Mobile: +86 187 0199 4951
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.org
(Letter to CEO or General Manager),
This is a letter to confirm the registration of your company name ovsgmbh, please read it carefully. We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names. Today, our center received an application from RNMB International Ltd applying to register ovsgmbh as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). After our careful investigation, We found the main body of domain names is same as yours. As a professional registrar, We are obligated to inform you of this situation.
We are handling the application and we need to confirm whether or not you authorize them to register them? Let me know your answer ASAP so as to solve this promptly. Thanks for your cooperation.
Best Regards,
Rod Lee
Tel:+86.5516 3491 191
Fax:+86.5516 3491 192
Address:No.1,Xingshun Building,Fengyang Road,Hefei China
Ich bekam die E-Mail auch. Danke, dass diese WARNUNG existiert. Die E-Mail kam mir komisch vor und man ist wirklich froh, wenn man sicher sein kann, dass es nur ein weiterer Trick ist.
Herzlichen Dank!
Ebenfalls vor wenigen Tagen diese Mail erhalten. Jim Gong war der Absender. Wenigstens der Vorname ist überall identisch. Den Familiennamen wechselt Jim allerdings öfter.
Spaßig: Meine Website ist völlig privat. Es ist recorder-fingerings.de und blockfloetengriffe.de und ich habe dort Grifftabellen für die verschiedensten Blockflöten-Modelle gesammelt und zur Verfügung gestellt. Ich wurde als CEO dieser „Firma“ angesprochen und ob ich nicht mein Geschäft auf China ausweiten will.
Die Chinesen sehen sich vermutlich noch nicht einmal die betroffenen Websites an, sonst würden sie erkennen, dass hier keine Firma dahintersteckt. Vermutlich verwechseln sie recorder (Blockflöte) mit recorder (Aufzeichnungsgerät oder Cassetten-Rekorder).
Was ich nicht verstehe: Wie kann man auf so etwas hereinfallen? Oder besorgst sein? Sogar IT-Firmen in Deutschland konsultieren in einem derartigen Fall ihren Rechtsanwalt. Mit diesen Firmen kann es mit den Fachkenntnissen nicht weit her sein, wenn sie noch nicht einmal verstehen wie die Domain-Registrierung funktioniert und befürchten ihre Domain würde geklaut.
B. Blocki
Der gute Mann hat wohl einen neuen Alias und mich zum President & CEO befördert…..
Absender-Adresse: martin@dnet.org.cn
This is about another company named WILL Produce Limited wants to occupy your company name „twintec-gmbh“,please forward it to your company’s leader. Thanks!
Dear President&CEO,
We are the organization specializing in network consulting and registration in China. On June 22. 2016,a applicant named Mr. Daniel Wang from WILL Produce Limited wants to record and register the brand name twintec-gmbh and some domains by our office.
After our preliminary review and verification,we find WILL Produce Limited has nothing to do with your company. If you object to the company’s application,please let me know by email as soon as possible.Thank you!
Best Regards,
Martin Chen
Senior Manager
Address:98 Shanghai Ave,Hefei 230001,China
Tel: (+86) 0739-5266069
Fax:(+86) 0739-5266069
Auch bei mir eingeschlagen (aber sowas stinkt ohnedies gegen den Wind):
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On June 24, 2016, we received an application from Kerui Holdings Ltd requested „die-yachtschule“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (die-yachtschule.cn, die-yachtschule.com.cn, die-yachtschule.net.cn, die-yachtschule.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Daniel Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: daniel@chinaregistry.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.cn
Kam bei mir auch… War stutzig und nach etwas googln diese Seite gefunden. 😉 Hier mein Text:
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On July 4, 2016, we received an application from Kehong Holdings Ltd requested „vonoben“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (vonoben.cn, vonoben.com.cn, vonoben.net.cn, vonoben.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Steve Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: steve@cnregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
auch bei uns. Diese Spam geht ja schon seit langem wie ich aus den Kommentaren sehe! Unglaublich und danke für die Veröffentlichung!
seine akuellen Daaten:
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road,
Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 187 0199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697
Heute erhalten und gleich skeptisch gewesen wegen des Absendernamens und weil eine Lesebestätigung angefordert wurde (hab natürlich keine gesendet) und bei google schon auf der 1. Seite!!! diese Beiträge gefunden – dafür ein großes DANKESCHÖN
(Please forward this letter to your President or Chief Executive Officer)
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are a registrar accredited by China Internet Network Information Center. We have a formal affair to confirm with you. Our Registration Department received an application from LEIYUE GROUP who applies to register „neumann-busreisen“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names through our organization. We found the main body of domain names they apply to register is same as your company. We inform you of this matter because it involves your intellectual property.
Now we are handling this registration. Please let me know whether or not you authorized them to register these names. If you authorize them, I will formally pass through their registration; if not, please let us know as soon as possible in order to handle this issue better. Looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Tim Huang
Head of International Affairs – Registration Department
Phone: +86-(0)551-6512-8124 || Fax: +86-(0)551-6512-8724
Website: www. you-ip.org
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei, AnHui, China
Mal wieder ein Namenswechsel
(Forward to the President or CEO. Thank you !)
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are the Department of Asian Domain & Brand Registration Service in China. This is a confirmation letter regarding registration of your company’s brand. We received an application from BOCANG GROUP who applies to register “ xyz “ as their brand name and some top-level domain names (CN / HK etc). We found the main body of domain names they apply to register is same as your company. We inform you of this matter because it involves your intellectual property.
I am handling this case. Please let me know whether or not you authorized them to register it. If you authorize them, I will pass their registration; if not, please let me know it so as to let me handle it better. Please send me an e-mail to confirm it. Have a nice day!
Best Regards
Mike Law
Manager of Registration Dept.
Tel: +86 (551) 65128124 || Fax: +86 (551) 65128724
No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei
Danke für die gut zu findende Info!
Betroffen ist der Verband Wohneigentum mit seiner Extra-Website gartenberatung.de. Hier der E-Mail-Text, der hintereinander an zwei verschiedene Adressen von uns ging, zur Info an weitere Leser:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On July 18, 2016, we received an application from Kehong Holdings Ltd requested „gartenberatung“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (gartenberatung.cn, gartenberatung.com.cn, gartenberatung.net.cn, gartenberatung.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Tony Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: tony@chinaregistry.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.cn
Die Masche läuft offenbar weiter und weiter.
Vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag. Ich muss zugeben, beim Lesen kurz verunsichert gewesen zu sein.
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On July 14, 2016, we received an application from Kehong Holdings Ltd requested „boerner-it“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (boerner-it.cn, boerner-it.com.cn, boerner-it.net.cn, boerner-it.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Edward Liu | Service & Operations Manager
Asia Registry (Head Office) | 3005, Jinxuan Building, No. 238 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: edward@asiaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.asiaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On July 25, 2016, we received an application from Kehong Holdings Ltd requested „myloc“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (myloc.cn, myloc.com.cn, myloc.net.cn, myloc.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Simon Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: simon@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Hallo zusammen,
herzlichen Dank an den Betreiber des Blogs, auch ich wäre fast rein gefallen. Klang erst einmal alles sehr seriös, allerdings wurde meine private Homepage angeschrieben, nicht die fast gleich lautende Firmen Homepage.
Gruß an China, im Kopieren und Fälschen seid ihr Weltklasse! 😉
Euch allen Hallo und Danke für den Blog auch ich wär mal grade jetzt so rein getappt 😉 Wenn’s euch nicht gäbe. – Vielen Dank und so sah’s bei mir aus:
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On July 25, 2016, we received an application from Kehong Holdings Ltd requested „mera-druck“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (mera-druck.cn, mera-druck.com.cn, mera-druck.net.cn, mera-druck.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Simon Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: simon@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Absender: Sandy Lau
This is about another company named CAN Produce Limited wants to occupy your company name „xxxxxxxxx“,please forward it to your company’s leader. Thanks!
Dear President&CEO,
We are the organization specializing in network consulting and registration in China. On July 26. 2016,a applicant named Mr. Daniel Wang from CAN Produce Limited wants to record and register the brand name xxxxxxxxxxx and some domains by our office.
After our preliminary review and verification,we find CAN Produce Limited has nothing to do with your company. If you object to the company’s application,please let me know by email as soon as possible.Thank you!
Best Regards,
Sandy Lau
Senior Manager
Address:98 Shanghai Ave,Hefei 230001,China
Tel: (+86) 0739-5266069
Fax:(+86) 0739-5266069
Danke für Euren Hinweis, habe heute ein solches – wieder einmal – bekommen. Meine Reaktion: habe an die Emailadresse das selbe wie die geschrieben und mich um ihre Domain beworben
Von: Steve Zhang [mailto:verify@yipcenter.cn]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2016 21:52
Betreff: BRAND REGISTRATION – „afet“
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
(Please forward this letter to your President or Chief Executive Officer)
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are a registrar accredited by China Internet Network Information Center. We have a formal affair to confirm with you. Our Registration Department received an application from LEZHOU GROUP who applies to register „afet“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names through our organization. We found the main body of domain names they apply to register is same as your company. We inform you of this matter because it involves your intellectual property.
Now we are handling this registration. Please let me know whether or not you authorized them to register these names. If you authorize them, I will formally pass through their registration; if not, please let us know as soon as possible in order to handle this issue better. Looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Steve Zhang
Head of International Affairs – Registration Department
Phone: +86-(0)551-6512-8124 || Fax: +86-(0)551-6512-8724
Website: www. youip.asia
Address: No.789, XiYou Road, HeFei, AnHui, China
Habe gestern dieselbe e-Mail von Jim erhalten. Habe geschmunzelt weil in China wohl niemand den Domainnamen „markusm“ gebrauchen kann.
Trotzdem, schön zu sehen, dass es viele gibt, die auch nicht darauf reinfallen.
Interessant wie lange das nun schon zu laufen scheint.
Gruss Markus
Jim Bin ist nach wie vor aktiv und versendet Mails unter folgender Adresse:
Jim | Service & Operations Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office) | 8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1870199 4951
Web: http://www.webregistry.org.cn
Und eine Person namens Lin Jianhai doppelt nach:
Dear Sirs,
Our company based in chinese office, our company has submitted the “ non-au-nucleaire “ as CN/ASIA(.asia/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn) domain name and Internet Keyword, we are waiting for Mr. Jim’s approval. We think these names are very important for our business in Chinese and Asia market. Even though Mr. Jim advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Best regards
Lin jianhai
September 2016, wie gut dass es diese Seite hier gibt, die ich ergoogelt habe nachdem ich ein äißerst merkwürdiges Mail empfangen habe. Derselbe Text, wie mehrmals schon erwähnt, Absender ein anderer:
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1870199 4951
Sehr kreativ, die chinesischen Freunde.
Schönen Tag und lasst euch nicht ins Bockshorn jagen.
Vielen Dank für die Info. Habe eben auch so eine Mail erhalten, Euer Bericht hier hat meinen Verdacht bestätigt.
Zur Info:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On Sep 14, 2016, we received an application from Kejie Holdings Ltd requested „michaelvogt“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (michaelvogt.cn, michaelvogt.com.cn, michaelvogt.net.cn, michaelvogt.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
David Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: david@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Kann mich den bisherigen Kommentaren nur anschließen. Auch wenn ich normalerweise nicht viel Lob für amerikanische Unternehmen übrig habe, bin ich froh dass Microsoft die Betrugs-Mail von vornherein korrekt als „Spam“ klassifiziert hat und dass eine Google-Suche nach „cn-registry“ diesen Blog-Eintrag als ersten Treffer angezeigt hat.
Danke für den Blog! Ich war ebenfalls sehr verwundert und bin froh, dass ich den Hinweis gefunden habe:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hualong Ltd on October 17, 2016. They want to register “ st-michael-by “ as their Internet Keyword and “ st-michael-by .cn „、“ st-michael-by .com.cn “ 、“ st-michael-by .net.cn „、“ st-michael-by .org.cn “ 、“ st-michael-by .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ st-michael-by “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.cnwebregistry.cn
Da mag ich nicht zurückstehen, hier mein Beitrag:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On Oct 17, 2016, we received an application from Kesheng Holdings Ltd requested „icp-sys“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (icp-sys.cn, icp-sys.com.cn, icp-sys.net.cn, icp-sys.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Justin Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: justin@chinaregistry.net
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
mein Kontakt hieß Daniel Xu, ansonsten kommt das wohl aus der gleichen Ecke: ( bitte unten dann die Reaktion auf meine Antwort ansehen)
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Oct 17, 2016, we received an application from Kesheng Holdings Ltd requested „ish-dichtungen“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (ish-dichtungen.cn, ish-dichtungen.com.cn, ish-dichtungen.net.cn, ish-dichtungen.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Daniel Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: daniel@chinaregistry.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.cn
Gareth Rao [garethrao@gmail.com]
To whom it concerns,
We will register the China domain names „ish-dichtungen.cn“ „ish-dichtungen.com.cn“ „ish-dichtungen.net.cn“ „ish-dichtungen.org.cn“ and internet keyword „ish-dichtungen“ and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Daniel Xu’s approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr. Daniel Xu advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Rao
….frisch im Account eingetroffen, ein Mr.Jim Gong, Service Manager.
Signatur deckt sich mit den bereits angezeigten Fällen.
Ich habe mich schon sehr gewundert. Meine Daten haben diese Gauner von einer Messeaktivität in China abgezogen. Also Vorsicht mit Anmeldungen!
Wenn daraufhin solche Emails eingehen, kann es nur einen betrügerischen Hintergrund haben.
Gruss und Dank an die Initiatoren
28.10.16: heute auch eine solche Mail erhalten. Ist also immer noch aktuell.
very nice
Immer noch aktuell (14.11.2016). Machen sich noch nicht einmal die Mühe den Text zu ändern.
Dank dieser Seite/Blog ist das Thema in Windeseile erledigt.
Hier der für uns bestimmte Text–>
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On Nov 14, 2016, we received an application from Keze Ltd requested „metallschrank-shop“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (metallschrank-shop.cn, metallschrank-shop.com.cn, metallschrank-shop.net.cn, metallschrank-shop.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is associated with your company or not?
Best Regards,
David Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: david@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Danke für den Artikel. Das war sehr hilfreich.
Ich habe die Mail heute auch bekommen. Absender:
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www. webregistry. cn
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On Nov 17, 2016, we received an application from Keze Ltd requested „c319“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (c319.cn, c319.com.cn, c319.net.cn, c319.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is associated with your company or not?
Best Regards,
Paul Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: paul@cnregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Danke für diesen Blog, dadurch konnte ich die Mail gleich als Spam abtun!
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On Nov 17, 2016, we received an application from Keze Ltd requested „iba-lifesciences“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (iba-lifesciences.cn, iba-lifesciences.com.cn, iba-lifesciences.net.cn, iba-lifesciences.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Tony Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: tony@chinaregistry.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Ich habe diese Mail schön öfters bekommen und dachte mir eigentlich schon, dass es sich dabei um einen Betrugsversuch handelt. Ich wollte es heute aber genau wissen und bin dabei auf diese Seite gestoßen.
Vielen Dank für die detaillierte Erklärung!
Danke für die Information. Andreas Lüthi
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on November 19, 2016. They want to register “ ls-manufaktur “ as their Internet Keyword and “ ls-manufaktur .cn „、“ ls-manufaktur .com.cn “ 、“ ls-manufaktur .net.cn „、“ ls-manufaktur .org.cn “ 、“ ls-manufaktur .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ ls-manufaktur “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.webregistry.cn
Mir war von Anfang an klar, dass da was faul ist, als ich die E-Mail bekommen habe. Die Adresse aus meiner E-Mail gibt es laut Google Maps nicht, dafür bin ich durch die normale Suche der Adresse auf diese Seite gestoßen und damit hat sich die Sache zum Glück gegessen. Danke, dass Ihr den Beitrag geschrieben habt und auch, dass schon so viele kommentiert haben.
Hier die komplette E-Mail, die ich am 23. November 2016 um 12:11 Uhr erhalten habe:
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On Nov 21, 2016, we received an application from Kehe Ltd requested „thorsten-janz“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (thorsten-janz.cn, thorsten-janz.com.cn, thorsten-janz.net.cn, thorsten-janz.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have association with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Paul Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: paul@cnregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Heute interessieren sich die Herren Wang, Zhuang, Huang, Xu und sonstigen Chinesen dafür, eine christliche Gemeinde vor Konkurrenten in China zu schützen!
Genau das Gleiche, nur ist Jim jetzt Service Manager von Asia YG Network. Musste schmunzeln, dass angeblich für eine App in China der Domainname diedrittedimension benötigt wird. 😉
Das Thema scheint immer noch am Leben zu sein – habe heute dieses erhalten:
„It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On Dec 8, 2016, we received an application from Kehe Ltd requested „hotwodka“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (hotwodka.cn, hotwodka.com.cn, hotwodka.net.cn, hotwodka.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is associated with your company or not?
Best Regards,
Shawn Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: shawn@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn„
Auch hier waren die Chinesen Tätig:
„Simon Zhang“
bauprojekt-hoenow CN domain and keyword
Thorsten Hönow
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On Dec 8, 2016, we received an application from Kehe Ltd requested „bauprojekt-hoenow“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (bauprojekt-hoenow.cn, bauprojekt-hoenow.com.cn, bauprojekt-hoenow.net.cn, bauprojekt-hoenow.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Simon Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: simon@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Auf der Suche nach Huayi Ltd bin ich auf dieses Forum gestoßen. Das Miese bei der Mail, die ich bekommen habe (s.u.), ist, dass bei Aufrufen der unten angegeben Website http://www.cnweb-registry.org es wohl eine Umleitung auf http://www.cnwebregistry.org gibt, welches wohl eine offizielle „Domain Name Registration Site“ von China ist. Die IP-Adressen sind jedoch unterschiedlich. Das eine ist kein Alias vom anderen (mit nslookup überprüft).
„Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 5, 2016. They want to register “ st-laurentius-rudersdorf “ as their Internet Keyword and “ st-laurentius-rudersdorf .cn „、“ st-laurentius-rudersdorf .com.cn “ 、“ st-laurentius-rudersdorf .net.cn „、“ st-laurentius-rudersdorf .org.cn “ 、“ st-laurentius-rudersdorf .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ st-laurentius-rudersdorf “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.org„
Hallo zusammen. Scheinbar scheint diese Masche auch noch im Jahr 2016 genutzt zu werden. Ich erhielt heute Folgende Mail:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 12, 2016. They want to register “ bv-badlippspringe “ as their Internet Keyword and “ bv-badlippspringe.cn „、“ bv-badlippspringe.com.cn “ 、“ bv-badlippspringe.net.cn „、“ bv-badlippspringe.org.cn “ 、“ bv-badlippspringe.asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ bv-badlippspringe “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org.cn
Wir haben auch mail Post aus China bekommen , lest selbst…. (am 17.12.2016), ist anscheinend immer der gleiche scheiss.
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 11, 2016. They want to register “ rz-handel “ as their Internet Keyword and “ rz-handel .cn „、“ rz-handel .com.cn “ 、“ rz-handel .net.cn „、“ rz-handel .org.cn “ 、“ rz-handel .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ rz-handel “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.webregistry.cn
Hallo zusammen,
die Chinesen bleiben hier weiter aktiv. Auch wir bekamen die Mail mit dem gleichen Inhalt:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 19, 2016. They want to register “ dss-p “ as their Internet Keyword and “ dss-p.cn „、“ dss-p.com.cn “ 、“ dss-p.net.cn „、“ dss-p.org.cn “ 、“ dss-p.asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ dss-p “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.cnweb-registry.com
Insofern: Wachsam bleiben ist angesagt.
auch bei mir ist erstmalig die ziemlich offiziell wirkende und mit gutem Englisch formulierte Mail von chinaregistry.org.cn eingetroffen. Bei mir heißt der gute Thomas. Thomas Liu.
Aufgrund des Beitrages hier und all eurer Kommentare, werde ich´s also auch einfach ignorieren.
Am 30.12. bekam ich ebenfalls Post von Thomas Liu von chinaregistry.org.cn.
Danke für diesen hilfreichen Blog-Beitrag!
Hallo zusammen. China ist groß und hat auch viele, viele fleißige Arbeiter, wie z.B. Jim, welcher auch schon andere Firmen angeschrieben hat
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 26, 2016. They want to register “ frankenmedia “ as their Internet Keyword and “ frankenmedia .cn „、“ frankenmedia .com.cn “ 、“ frankenmedia .net.cn „、“ frankenmedia .org.cn “ 、“ frankenmedia .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ frankenmedia “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Asia YG Network (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.asiaygnetworks.org
Auch bei uns kamen zwei Emails von
Jim Gong
mit dem selben Inhalt wie Jörg.
…immer noch sehr aktiv, der Jim (bei mir: Ying):
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 25, 2016. They want to register “ papapelz “ as their Internet Keyword and “ papapelz .cn „、“ papapelz .com.cn “ 、“ papapelz .net.cn „、“ papapelz .org.cn “ 、“ papapelz .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ papapelz “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Vielen Dank für die Warnungen auf dieser Seite. Es scheint noch kein Ende zu geben,wie die eMail zeigt, die ich heute erhalten habe:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on December 25, 2016. They want to register “ shop1-kreativ “ as their Internet Keyword and “ shop1-kreativ .cn „、“ shop1-kreativ .com.cn “ 、“ shop1-kreativ .net.cn „、“ shop1-kreativ .org.cn “ 、“ shop1-kreativ .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ shop1-kreativ “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
CN Web Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.webregistry.cn
Hallo zusammen,
haben die Email heute bekommen, bei uns heist der gute Mann Alan Liu…
Vielen Dank fuer die Warnungen 🙂
Danke für die Veröffentlichung der Hinweise!
Wir haben wiederholt eine entsprechende Nachricht von „Jim Gong“ (jim.gong@cnwebregistry.cn) bekommen (Dezember 2016 und Januar 2017).
Hier eine aktuelle E-Mail:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on January 6, 2017. They want to register “ [domain] “ as their Internet Keyword and “ [domain] .cn „、“ [domain] .com.cn “ 、“ [domain] .net.cn „、“ [domain] .org.cn “ 、“ [domain] .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ [domain] “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Asia YG Network (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.asiaygnetworks.org
Hier eine aktuelle E-Mail:
Neuer Firmenname (siehe Post zuvor), mit gleicher Telefonnummer ….
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On Jan 9, 2017, we received an application from Baoda Ltd requested „[domain-name]“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names ([domain-name].cn, [domain-name].com.cn, [domain-name].net.cn, [domain-name].org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor in China?
Best Regards,
Karen Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: karen@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Hier eine aktuelle Mail vom 09.01.17
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Jan 9, 2017, we received an application from Baoda Ltd requested „fs-etiketten“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (fs-etiketten.cn, fs-etiketten.com.cn, fs-etiketten.net.cn, fs-etiketten.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Alan Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: alan@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Neuer Name: Karen Xu
Sonst alles gleich
Auch bein mir heute eingetroffen…
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On Jan 9, 2017, we received an application from Baoda Ltd requested „……“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (…..). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Scott Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: scott@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Und die Chinesen sind immer noch aktiv: Gleich 2 x hintereinander, einmal ein Steve Zhang von YoursIP.org und der liebe Jim Gong von cn-registry.com.
Dadurch, dass uns gleich zwei Firmen auf chinesisches Interesse an unserer Domain aufmerksam machten, wurden wir stutzig. Wollten es zwar ohnehin ignorieren, aber danke jedenfalls für den Blog, die treiben wohl schon länger ihr Unwesen… Offensichtlich lohnt sich das?
Ich habe jetzt auch so eine E-Mail erhalten. Neuer Name: Daniel Xu
prima, dass es diesen Blog gibt! Aufgrund dessen habe ich intensiver recherchiert. Auch im Blog von united-domaines wird vor den China-Mails gewarnt.
Achtung, bei uns anderer Text (sogar mit Authorisierung durch die chin. Regierung):
The question is closely related to your company name „ritter-welsch“,please forward it to your company’s top management. Thanks!
Dear President&CEO,
We are the organization specializing in network consulting and registration authorized by Chinese government. On January 10. 2016,a applicant named Mr. Mark Wang from MAP Technologies Co., Ltd wants to record and register the brand name ritter-welsch and some domains by our office.
After our preliminary review and verification,we find MAP Technologies Co., Ltd has nothing to do with your company. But If you have permitted this company to apply these names, or you think the application will not damage the interests of your company,please allow us to fulfill all the registration for MAP Technologies Co., Ltd. If you against the company’s application,please let me know by email ASAP.
Best Regards,
Harry Lee
Manager of Registration department
Address:No. 68 FuNan Road,Hefei 230000,China
Tel: (+86) 0739-5266069
Fax:(+86) 0739-5266069
Habe heute ähnliches, jetzt aber vom „Registration office“ erhalten. Ist aber wohl die gleiche Masche.
Danke für die vielen Kommentare.
The question is closely related to your company name „nth-huesgen“,please forward it to your company’s top management. Thanks!
Dear President&CEO,
We are the organization specializing in network consulting and registration authorized by Chinese government. On January 10. 2016,a applicant named Mr. Mark Wang from MAP Technologies Co., Ltd wants to record and register the brand name nth-huesgen and some domains by our office.
After our preliminary review and verification,we find MAP Technologies Co., Ltd has nothing to do with your company. But If you have permitted this company to apply these names, or you think the application will not damage the interests of your company,please allow us to fulfill all the registration for MAP Technologies Co., Ltd. If you against the company’s application,please let me know by email ASAP.
Best Regards,
Sandy Zhao
Manager of Registration department
Address:No. 68 FuNan Road,Hefei 230000,China
Tel: (+86) 0739-5266069
Fax:(+86) 0739-5266069
Ich soll mich auch ganz dringend melden. ;-))
——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——–
Betreff: mehralstext CN domain and keyword
Datum: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 20:32:09 +0800
Von: Jeff Zhang
Antwort an: jeff@chinaregistry.net.cn
An: bm@biggimestmaecker.de
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On Jan 9, 2017, we received an application from Baoda Ltd requested „mehralstext“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (mehralstext.cn, mehralstext.com.cn, mehralstext.net.cn, mehralstext.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Jeff Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: jeff@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
Wir haben auch eine dieser dubiösen Emails erhalten:
„(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Dec 19, 2016, we received an application from Baokai Ltd requested „jumbo-shop“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (jumbo-shop.cn, jumbo-shop.com.cn, jumbo-shop.net.cn, jumbo-shop.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have association with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn“
Zuerst haben wir das ernst genommen und auch darauf geantwortet und Einspruch eingelegt. Daraufhin haben wir folgende Email erhalten…:
„Dear XXXX,
We have already advised them to choose another name according to your company that have no relationship with them, but they insist on this name as China domain names (jumbo-shop.cn, jumbo-shop.com.cn, jumbo-shop.net.cn, jumbo-shop.org.cn) and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company then register it to promote his company.
As is known to all, domain name registration based on the international principle is opened to company and individual. Any company or individual have the right to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Your company haven’t registered this name as China domains and internet keyword, so anyone is able to obtain them by registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner have priority to register China domain name and internet keyword during our review period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these China domain names (jumbo-shop.cn, jumbo-shop.com.cn, jumbo-shop.net.cn, jumbo-shop.org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these China domains and internet keyword during our review period.
Best Regards,
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn“
Dann wurden uns gedroht dass die Domains nicht mehr lange reserviert für uns bleiben können und dass wenn wir Sie nicht regisiertrieren, würden die Domains an jemand anderes zur Registrierung freigegeben werden. Im Anhang war dann auch direkt ein passendes Formular mit utopischen Preisen und Laufzeiten von 10, 20 oder 30 Jahren!!! Da wurde ich stützig!
„Dear XXX,
Attached please find this application form. You can find the price from this form. If your company want to register these CN domain names and internet keyword, please fill out this form and send it back with the copy of company’s business registration license within 3 working days.
Best Regards,
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn“
Parallel haben wir auch eine Email erhalten von einer Chinesischen Firma, die behauptet, dass Sie auf jeden Fall weiterhin unsere Domains registrieren wollen, um jeden Preis und komme was wolle. Dadurch wurde also der Druck nochmal deutlich erhöht.
Wir haben da erstmal nicht geantwortet und weiter gegoogelt nach dieser dubiösen Firma.
3 Tage später haben wir erneut folgende Email erhalten:
„Dear XXX,
Have your company completed application form? Could you please tell us whether your company proceed with this registration or not?
Best Regards,
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn“
Nachdem wir unserer Google Recherche abgeschlossen haben und auch auf diese sehr hilfreiche Seite gestoßen sind, war uns klar, dass es sich hierbei um SPAM und FAKE handelt. Also Finger weg.
Generell kann man auch .CN Domains oder andere Chinesische Domains auch selber direkt über Deutsche Domain Reseller registrieren lassen.
Und man sollte sich keine Illusionen machen: Kein Domain Reseller auch die WHOIS nicht schchreibt einen vorher an mit dem Hinweis und der Chance eine in der Registrierung befindliche Domain, vorab registrieren zu können.
Nochmals danke da diese Seite und den Blog und die zahlreichen Beiträge.
Ohne diese Einträge wären wir beinahe darauf reingefallen…
Die könnens einfach nicht lassen. Der ganze Quatsch (s.o.) kam heute auch bei uns rein. Dank dem Blog werde ich diese mail einfach ignorieren.
Franz Weirather
Hallo –
bei uns war es wieder „Jim Bing“, diesmal aber von http://www.cnwebregistry.org
Auch wir haben uns zuerst gefreut – zumal wir tatsächlich nach China exandieren wollen – aber den Braten im letzten Moment noch gerochen.
Auch von mir ein Dankeschön!
Christoph M. Grosser
Ein „Vince Lee“ hat es bei uns versucht. vince-l@ttipr.com.cn
Dear CEO/Principal,
This is Vince Lee—Senior Consultant of domain name registration and solution center in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. We formally received an application on March 10,2017. that a company claimed „Aitel Ltd“ were applying to register „envira“ as their Network Brand and some „envira“ Asian countries top-level domain names(in/hk/tw/etc) and China (CN) domain names through our firm.
Now we are handling this registration, and after our initial checking, we found the name were similar to your company’s, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we would finish the registration at once. If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. After the deadline we will unconditionally finish the registration for „Aitel Ltd“. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
(This is a very important case, so please transfer this email to your CEO or Principal. Thanks a lot.)
Best Regards,
Vince Lee
Senior Consultant Manager
China Registry (Head Office) / No.8-8018, Peace Building,
Jinghu District, Wuhu City, China
Tel: 0086-5538-366231 / Fax: 0086-5538-366231
Die Mails ändern nur jeweils die Namensbezeichnungen, sonst ist es immer derselbe Inhalt. Fragte mich auch warum jemand partout einen Nachnamen in China eintragen lassen möchte. Das stört die zwei paarweise agierenden Akteure überhaupt nicht. Es kommen wie in allen anderen Fällen auch immer die standardisierten Antworten, wie beschrieben.
Die Antwortstelle des Registrars in China ist auch auf Google gelistet, aber der andere Akteur scheint lt. IP-Adresse nach meinem Erinnerungsstand entweder aus Korea oder Nordindien aus zu agieren.
Einfach eine Masche, denn es könnte ja jeder alle mögllichen Seiten registrieren. Aber mit dieser Aktion rutschen wegen der nebenbei laufenden Massenmails die Such-Server auf diese eigene Seite, die einer der beiden für Werbung nebenbei verkauft (Ad-Words mit angeschriebenen Name-Server für andere zahlende Kunden, die für Google Ads bezahlen) und damit wird dann indirekt auf dieser zweiten Ebene eben auch Geld verlangt.
Mir ist dieser Zusammenhang mal zufällig aufgefallen.
Also verdienen die beiden entweder durch Zusatzeinträge (Ad-Words) oder durch Zahlungen, da sich jemand in die Enge getrieben fühlt. Scheinbar geht denen die Rechnung wohl so auf?
Gruß Vera
auch bei uns hat es ein Jim Gong versucht:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on March 20, 2017. They want to register “ schneider-consulting “ as their Internet Keyword and “ schneider-consulting .cn „、“ schneider-consulting .com.cn “ 、“ schneider-consulting .net.cn „、“ schneider-consulting .org.cn “ 、“ schneider-consulting .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ schneider-consulting “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
Danke für diesen Blog, ohne Recherche wären wir sicher aufgesessen.
Hallo miteinander,
habe vor Monaten das gleiche E-Mail bekommen wie jetzt wieder. Damals habe ich nichts unternommen, da ich schon den Verdacht auf Betrug gehabt habe und so habe ich vorerst nicht auf das E-Mail reagiert. Herr Schachner, mein Vorgesetzter , meinte ich sollte darauf antworten. So habe ich geantwortet und auch ein Angebot erhalten, was zu übertrieben war. Heute habe ich wieder so eine E-Mail bekommen aber dieses Mal, dachte ich mir, schaue ich im Internet nach. Es kam wie es kommen musste, ich traf auf diese Webseite und habe genau den Text in meiner E-Mail vergleichen können bzw. ist der Text auf dieser Webseite identisch mit dem der E-Mail.
Hier der Text, den ich bekommen habe:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on March 20, 2017. They want to register “ kleinwind “ as their Internet Keyword and “ kleinwind .cn „、“ kleinwind .com.cn “ 、“ kleinwind .net.cn „、“ kleinwind .org.cn “ 、“ kleinwind .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ kleinwind “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)net
Ich werde diese E-Mail nicht beachten bzw. löschen. Danke.
MFG Alexander
und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier;). Über die Email-Adresse des Absenders „Luke Wong [mailto:l.w@idtld.org.cn]“ habe ich diese Seite gefunden. Vielen Dank!
Dear Sir/Madam
About the „XXXXXX“, we have some thing to comfirm with you! We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names, on March 22, 2017, we received an application named „Carebery Company“ and they apply to register XXXXXX as their brand name and some top-level asian domain names. But we found the main body of domain names is same as yours. We are not sure about the relationship between you and them.
As the registrar, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we would finish the registration at once. If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays. After the deadline we will unconditionally finish the registration for „Carebery Company“ Looking forward to your prompt reply.
(Please kindly foward this email to your CEO or appropriate person. Thanks a lot.)
Best Regards,
Luke Wong
Senior Adviser Manager
Eine weitere Variante von „Jim Bing“ mit Absender
Jim Bing
kam heute, 23.03.2017 10:02, bei mir rein:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on March 20, 2017. They want to register “ ghgo “ as their Internet Keyword and “ ghgo .cn „、“ ghgo .com.cn “ 、“ ghgo .net.cn „、“ ghgo .org.cn “ 、“ ghgo .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ ghgo “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
China Name Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chinanameregistry(dot)org
Heute, 31.03.2017 habe ich nahezu den identischen Müll bekommen –
mit meiner Architektur – Web Adresse.
Da wir andauernd ähnlichen Müll bekommen, schaue ich regelmäßig
ins Netz, um zu schauen, ob diesbezüglich Erfahrungswerte vorliegen und werden regelmäßig fündig. Ich bin allerdings erstaunt, wie lange schon mit dem selben Namen und der selben Masche agiert wird. Das betrifft auch viele andere Abzocker-
maschen – wie z.B. Marlene Schmidt – und hartnäckig wie Pestbeulen.
Seit heute gehören wir auch dazu :-)!
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on March 27, 2017. They want to register “ diefinanzkanzlei “ as their Internet Keyword and “ diefinanzkanzlei .cn „、“ diefinanzkanzlei .com.cn “ 、“ diefinanzkanzlei .net.cn „、“ diefinanzkanzlei .org.cn “ 、“ diefinanzkanzlei .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ diefinanzkanzlei “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
…tja, wir sind die Neuen….
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on March 27, 2017. They want to register “ diw-shop “ as their Internet Keyword and “ diw-shop .cn „、“ diw-shop .com.cn “ 、“ diw-shop .net.cn „、“ diw-shop .org.cn “ 、“ diw-shop .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ diw-shop “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
…gut, dass es diese Seite gibt.
Habe heute auch so eine mail bekommen:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on April 9, 2017. They want to register “ linkshaender “ as their Internet Keyword and “ linkshaender .cn „、“ linkshaender .com.cn “ 、“ linkshaender .net.cn „、“ linkshaender .org.cn “ 、“ linkshaender .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ linkshaender “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
China Net Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chinanetregistry(dot)com
Habe die mail gleich mal an meinen Sohn weitergeleitet der bei einer Domainregistrierungs-Firma in Kanada arbeitet. Hier seine Antwort:
die wollen dich dazu bringen, dass du schnell und vermutlich überteuert die entsprechenden Domains kaufst. Also falls du nicht gerade planst euer Geschäft auf den asiatischen Markt auszudehnen, brauchst du dir nicht wirklich Gedanken zu machen.
Die spielen dabei mit einem Gesetz in der Domainbranche, dass einer bereits existierenden Firma ein Vorzugsrecht bei der Reservierung ihres Firmennamens als Domains einräumt. Also als Beispiel: wenn jetzt jemand anderes die Domain derlinkshaender.eu oder derlinkshaender.shop oder so kauft (oder versucht zu kaufen), könntest du als bereits eingetragenes Unternehmen von diesem Recht gebrauch machen und die Person müsste dir die Domain geben oder überlassen. Dies ist als Schutz von bereits eingetragenen Markennamen gedacht.
Der Punkt ist, dass ein Registrar (also eine Firma, über die Domains registriert werden können) nicht nachprüfen muss (und dies normalerweise auch nicht macht, da dies zu viel Aufwand wäre), ob eine Domain auch ein bereits genutzter Markenname ist. Somit ist es schon auffällig, dass diese Firma sich darum kümmert.
Ich habe mal ein bisschen gegoogelt und folgende Berichte gefunden:
Im Prinzip beschreiben die alle das gleiche, es ist eine Masche, um Leute dazu zu bringen Domains (vermutlich überteuert) zu kaufen. Wenn du nachschaust kosstet linkshaender.cn 19,50USD (https://hexonet.domains/#!/query=linkshaender.cn). Also falls du doch mit dem Gedanken spielst, derlinkshaender auf den chinesischen Markt zu etablieren, kannst du die Domain auch einfach über uns (oder auch Strato) beziehen. Das erspart dir dann vermutlich ein bisschen Ärger. 🙂
Ich finde es schon erstaunlich, wie lange sich so ein fake hält. Wahrscheinlich gibt es doch immer mal jemanden, der bezahlt.
Also, immer mißtrauisch sein!
Danke für die Beiträge in dem Blog und die hilfreichen Kommentare. Man lernt immer wieder dazu.
Und noch einmal…:
This is a confirmation letter regarding registration of your company name signbitzero, please read it carefully.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am grateful for you checking this letter out. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently, we received the registration request from „Barmak Global Ltd“ applying to register signbitzero brand and domain names(cn hk etc), which have same main body as your company’s name. We send this letter to confirm with your company whether or not you authorize them to register those names. Please give me your thoughts ASAP so as to let us carry on, Thanks.
Best Regards,
Evan Zhang
Tel: +86.7395215980 Fax:+86.7395215981
Address: 36 BeiJing Road Hefei 230001 China
ich danke für die Information welche hier aller Beteiligten mit aufgelistet wurden. Ich erhielt heute zum ersten Mal eine dieser dubiosen E-Mails. Gut das es solche Seite wie diese hier gibt wo man schnell und einfach aufgeklärt wird. Und derartige E-Mails mit Vorsicht zu betrachten sind.
Aber die Webseiten Aufmachung ist schon recht gut gemacht.
Dear Sir/Madam
About the „kapillar-ortmann“, we have some thing to comfirm with you! We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names, on April 17, 2017, we received an application named „Cerbery Company“ and they apply to register kapillar-ortmann as their brand name and some top-level asian domain names. But we found the main body of domain names is same as yours. We are not sure about the relationship between you and them.
As the registrar, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we would finish the registration at once. If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays. After the deadline we will unconditionally finish the registration for „Cerbery Company“ Looking forward to your prompt reply.
(Please kindly foward this email to your CEO or appropriate person. Thanks a lot.)
Best Regards,
Roger Lee
Senior Adviser Manager
TOG IT Technologie
China Regestry (Head Office) | No.8-8018, Peace Building,
Jinghu District, Wuhu City, China
Tel.: 0086 5538 366231 | Fax: 0086 5538 366231
Web: www(dot)togit(dot)org
Hier mal eine Google Übersetzung mit dabei. Mein Englisch ist leider nicht das beste aber um sich den Text zusammen zureimen reicht es aus.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Über die „kapillar-ortmann“ haben wir etwas dagegen, mit dir zu kämpfen! Wir sind eine Agentur, die sich mit der Registrierung von Markennamen und Domainnamen beschäftigt, am 17. April 2017 erhielten wir eine Bewerbung mit dem Namen „Cerbery Company“ und sie gelten für die Registrierung von kapillar-ortmann als Markennamen und einige oberste asiatische Domainnamen. Aber wir fanden, dass der Hauptteil der Domainnamen gleich ist wie deine. Wir sind uns nicht sicher über die Beziehung zwischen Ihnen und ihnen.
Als Registrar, also müssen wir mit Ihnen überprüfen, ob Ihr Unternehmen diese Firma autorisiert hat, diese Namen zu registrieren. Wenn Sie dies genehmigt haben, würden wir die Anmeldung sofort beenden. Wenn Sie nicht autorisiert haben, informieren Sie uns bitte innerhalb von 7 Werktagen. Nach Ablauf der Frist werden wir die Registrierung für „Cerbery Company“ bedingungslos beenden. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre sofortige Antwort.
(Bitte bitte diese E-Mail an Ihren CEO oder die entsprechende Person. Vielen Dank.)
Freundliche Grüße,
Roger Lee
Senior Adviser Manager
Hallo zusammen,
Jim scheint im generellen nicht sehr erfolgreich zu sein. 2014 war er noch „General Manager“, heute ist er Service-Manager.
Es grüßt der CEO (1. Vorsitzender) des SV Hölter.
Hier der Text:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on April 16, 2017. They want to register “ sv-hoelter “ as their Internet Keyword and “ sv-hoelter .cn „、“ sv-hoelter .com.cn “ 、“ sv-hoelter .net.cn „、“ sv-hoelter .org.cn “ 、“ sv-hoelter .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ sv-hoelter “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)net
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine solche Mail aus China bereits im vergangenen Jahr erhalten. Und trotzdem habe ich mir bei der heutigen Mail wieder Gedanken gemacht, ob da „was dran“ sein könnte. Der Inhalt klingt zunächst plausibel und die Mail macht auf den ersten Blick einen richtig seriösen Eindruck. Ist aber einfach nur Spam …
Hier der Text von Thomas Liu:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On April 24, 2017, we received an application from Baofeng Ltd requested „tlb“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (tlb.cn, tlb.com.cn, tlb.net.cn, tlb.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Bei uns nannte er sich Kevin Liu, 6012 Xingdi Building No 1698 Yishan Road Shanghai 201103 China,
vielen Dank für den Service hier!!
LG Sybille R.
Hallo zusammen,
auch wir haben heute diese freundliche Mail erhalten. Es ist uns jedoch sofort aufgefallen, dass eine Domain mit „gmbh“ in China wohl kaum Sinn macht und Google hat mich auf diese Seite geführt.
Vielen Dank für die zahlreichen Bestätigungen hier.
Viele Grüße und nachstehend der Mailinhalt…..
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On May 3, 2017, we received an application from Baofeng Ltd requested „pms-gmbh“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (pms-gmbh.cn, pms-gmbh.com.cn, pms-gmbh.net.cn, pms-gmbh.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have affiliation with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Daniel Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: daniel@chinaregistry.net
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
ich bin der Neue. Habe heute dieses Mail erhalten – es gab eine Vorkorrespondenz):
Dear Rudolf Edlinger,
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN/ASIA domain names ( e-translations.asia , e-translations.cn, e-translations.com.cn, e-translations.net.cn, e-translations.org.cn) and internet keyword (e-translations) on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered.
Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN/ASIA domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN/ASIA domain names (e-translations.asia, e-translations.cn, e-translations.com.cn, e-translations.net.cn, e-translations.org.cn) and internet keyword (e-translations) to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form with price list to you and help you register these within dispute period. Look forward to your kind reply!
Ich habe Jim geantwortet, mich zuerst bei einem Experten schlau zu machen. Was ich hiermit gerade getan habe.
Danke für die Info, also ab in den Papierkorb.
Viele Grüße
R. Edlinger
auch uns hat jetzt diese Mail erreicht, besagter Mitarbeiter heiß nun „Bob“ (siehe weiter unten), ab in den Papierkorb mit dieser Mail….
Best Regards,
Bob Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Mob: +86-13816428671 | Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697
Email: bob@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Danke für den Hinweis, glücklicherweise hat unser Spam-Razer die Nachricht schon vor Zustelung aussortiert.
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On May 31, 2017, we received an application from Baodi Ltd requested „lsu-schaeberle“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (xxxxxxxxx). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Jack Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Mob: +86-13816428671 | Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697
Email: jack@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
Ja auch von uns einen grossen Dank für den Hinweis.
Leider haben wir das Formular ausgefüllt und unterzeichnet und unser Handelsregisterauszug per Mail an dieses Büro gesendet.
Dann suchte ich in Google und fand diese Seite….
Wir hoffen nun dass die mit der Unterschrift nichts anfangen können.
„Regarding the domain name and internet keyword registration, have your company finished the application form?
Could you tell us whether your company proceed with this registration or not? Waiting for you reply!“
Thanks for email. We have received your application form. According to the registration process, we send you a payment invoice, please find this attachment. After your company complete the payment, please send the payment receipt to us.
Kind regards
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.chineseregistry.com
Auch von mir ein Danke schön.
Bei uns ist eine ähnliche Email eingegangen, allerdings mit ganz anderen Namen und Adressen. Also einfach alles was in diese Richtung geht ab in den Spamordner packen!
Hier die Email die uns erreichte:
This is about the registration of your company name „….“ , please forward it to your companys leader. Thanks!
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thanks for reading this letter. This is a letter regarding „….“ brand and domain names(cn hk etc). We are a Chinese domain registrar and received the registration application from „CBE Global Ltd“ and found the main body of those brand and domain names is same as your company’s name. Therefore, we confirm with your company to verify whether or not you two companies are affiliated. Please reply me ASAP. Thanks for your cooperation.
Best Regards,
Aldrich Li
Tel: +86.7395215980 Fax:+86.7395215981
Address: 36 BeiJing Road Hefei 230001 China
Danke für den Post! Inzwischen heißt der Absender
Karen Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: karen@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Der Inhalt der email ist identisch. Der Bot scheint flexibel zu sein. Aber dank Google Suche hat ich euren Beitrag gefunden und die Spam-email ist jetzt gelöscht!
Auch wir haben diese Email heute erhalten, die Masche läuft weiterhin im vollen Gange. Bitte seit vorsichtig.
beigefügt die Email:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On June 20, 2017, we received an application from Jiabao Ltd requested „xxx“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (xxx-xxx.cn, xxx-xxx.com.cn, xxx-xxx.net.cn, xxx-xxx.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Oliver Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Register (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Web: http://www.chinaregister.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Hallo allerseits
Die selbe Masche wird auch in der Schweiz versucht.
Identischer Email-Text (Es geht um die Domänen meines 3D-Druckerzentrums):
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On June 5, 2017, we received an application from Baohai Ltd requested „3d-druckerzentrum“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (3d-druckerzentrum.cn, 3d-druckerzentrum.com.cn, 3d-druckerzentrum.net.cn, 3d-druckerzentrum.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Jack Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Mob: +86-13816428671 | Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697
Email: jack@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Und auch hier bei uns – witzigerweise mit gleichem Namen. =)
Von: Scott Zhang [mailto:chinaregistry492@aliyun.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Juni 2017 11:12
An: xxx@book-hotel-leipzig.de
Betreff: book-hotel-leipzig CN domain and keyword
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On June 19, 2017, we received an application from Jiabao Ltd requested „book-hotel-leipzig“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (book-hotel-leipzig.cn, book-hotel-leipzig.com.cn, book-hotel-leipzig.net.cn, book-hotel-leipzig.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Scott Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: scott@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Wir wurden am 15.6.2017 auch beehrt (Text identisch). Diesmal war es:
Scott Zhang
Scott Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Sein Firmenkompagnon war
Gareth Lee
„… Even though Mr. Scott Zhang advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Lee“
auch ich habe lange darüber nachgedacht, mir die .cn Domains unserer Seite registrieren zu lassen. Jetzt doch nochmal gegoogled und diese Seite gefunden. Vielen Dank. Das spart 300 Euro im Jahr und wer weiss, wenn sie noch andere Domains mit der gleichen Masche abkassieren hätten wollen.
Bei mir übrigens Karen Xu, hier der E-mail Verlauf:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On June 5, 2017, we received an application from Baohai Ltd requested „einkaufchip“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (einkaufchip.cn, einkaufchip.com.cn, einkaufchip.net.cn, einkaufchip.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Karen Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Mob: +86-13816428671 | Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697
Email: karen@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Dann kam die Mail von demjenigen, der die URL registrieren wollte:
To whom it concerns,
We will register the China domain names „einkaufchip.cn“ „einkaufchip.com.cn“ „einkaufchip.net.cn“ „einkaufchip.org.cn“ and internet keyword „einkaufchip“ and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Karen Xu’s approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr. Karen Xu advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Lee
Dann war ich schon skeptisch und hab einfach mal nichts mehr gemacht. Doch die lassen nicht locker, 10 Tage später diese Mail:
Dear Florian Wiszkocsill,
Hope this email finds you well.
The dispute period will be over soon but we have not heard from you since our last comunication. Anyone can obtain CN domains (einkaufchip.cn, einkaufchip.com.cn, einkaufchip.net.cn, einkaufchip.org.cn) and internet keyword by registration because your company haven’t registered this name as CN domains and internet keyword on the internet. You must know the domain names and internet keyword based on the international principle are opened to company as well as individual. Also, we have suggested they should choose another name but they insist on this name. As a domain name registrar, we have no rights to refuse their application if they insist. In this situation, we have told your company have priority to register China domain name and internet keyword during our dispute period. Could you tell us whether or not your company want to register these CN domain names and internet keyword to prevent anyone from using them?
Kind regards
Karen Xu
Dann noch meine Frage nach dem Preis usw. und Gott sei Dank, diese Seite…
Danke für die gesammelte Info und Warnung!! – ja, sie versuchen es 2017 immer noch…diesmal Alan Liu – Email siehe unten
xxx war unser korrekter Domainname (hier ersetzt) und es wurden reale Email-Adressen der Geschäftsführung konkret angeschrieben – nicht einfach info@xxx. Adressen. Geben sich Mühe die Chinesen…und ein wenig gesundes Misstrauen ist auch Bestandteil der „German Software“
Von: Alan Liu [mailto:cnregistry71@aliyun.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017 15:30
Betreff: xxx CN domain and keyword
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On June 26, 2017, we received an application from Jiabao Ltd requested „xxx“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (xxx.cn, xxx.com.cn, xxx.net.cn, xxx.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have affiliation with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Alan Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: alan@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Dake für das einstellen der Information. Ein Problem aht sich damit in Minuten gelöst.
Mein Absender war:
Best Regards,
Ian Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: ian@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Jim Gong versucht es immer noch. Mail kam heute rein und landete automatisch im Spam. Hab trotzdem reingeschaut und geschmunzelt.
Bei uns kam diese Mail auch letzte Woche an, inzwischen verzichtet Jerry Zhang sogar auf eine Anrede…
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On June 26, 2017, we received an application from Jiabao Ltd requested „kirbelauf-nellingen“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (kirbelauf-nellingen.cn, kirbelauf-nellingen.com.cn, kirbelauf-nellingen.net.cn, kirbelauf-nellingen.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Jerry Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: jerry@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Sie finden sogar den Weg zu den ganz kleinen … meine IT-Tante meinte sofort „Quatsch“ und hat mir den Link hierhin geschickt … ! Danke Euch und danke vorallem der besten IT-Spezialistin ever!
Von: Alan Liu [mailto:chinaregistry325@aliyun.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017 08:20
An: info@lazy-horse-ranch.de
Betreff: lazy-horse-ranch CN domain and keyword
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On July 3, 2017, we received an application from Jiabao Ltd requested „lazy-horse-ranch“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (lazy-horse-ranch.cn, lazy-horse-ranch.com.cn, lazy-horse-ranch.net.cn, lazy-horse-ranch.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor in China?
Best Regards,
Alan Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: alan@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
…gleiches bei uns heute passiert!!!
Will den Namen den wir seit 25 Jahren haben registrieren in China etc. etc. !!!
Werde auf diese Mails noch nicht einmal mehr antworten,
Absender: Gareth Lee von dieser Firma und Charles Xu von Jiabao Ltd.!!!
Wir haben ähnliches erhalten – der ganz offensichtlich von einem Programm geschriebene Text hat mich zum Googeln verleitet und siehe da: Dieser Post. Danke dafür!
Der Bot wird immerhin kreativ was die Namensgebung betrifft:
Kevin Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: kevin@chinaregistry.net
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net
Und schon wieder kam was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear PANTHOUSE Boutique,
We have already advised them to choose another name according to your company that have no relationship with them, but they insist on this name as China domain names (panthouse-jeans.cn, panthouse-jeans.com.cn, panthouse-jeans.net.cn, panthouse-jeans.org.cn) and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company then register it to promote his company.
As is known to all, domain name registration based on the international principle is opened to company and individual. Any company or individual have the right to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Your company haven’t registered this name as China domains and internet keyword, so anyone is able to obtain them by registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner have priority to register China domain name and internet keyword during our dispute period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these China domain names (panthouse-jeans.cn, panthouse-jeans.com.cn, panthouse-jeans.net.cn, panthouse-jeans.org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these China domains and internet keyword during our dispute period.
Best Regards,
Charles Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: charles@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Mail im nahezu identischen Format wie die ihre:
Dear traffic-simulation,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huadu Ltd on July 9, 2017. They want to register “ traffic-simulation “ as their Internet Keyword and “ traffic-simulation .cn „、“ traffic-simulation .com.cn “ 、“ traffic-simulation .net.cn „、“ traffic-simulation .org.cn “ 、“ traffic-simulation .asia “ domain names, but after checking it, we find “ traffic-simulation “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
Es werden immer mehr die mit dieser Masche starten. Hier antwortet mir sogar der angebliche Mensch der die Domain registrieren will und versucht mitr dem letzten Satz druck zu machen. Im Anschluß kam dann die Mail, ich könne vorab um den Streit zu beenden die Domains registrieren:
To whom it concerns,
We will register the China domain names „panorama-guide.cn“ „panorama-guide.com.cn“ „panorama-guide.net.cn“ „panorama-guide.org.cn“ and internet keyword „panorama-guide“ and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Scott Zhang’s approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr. Scott Zhang advised us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Lee
Dear Manager,
We have already advised them to choose another name according to your company that have no relationship with them, but they insist on this name as China domain names (panorama-guide.cn, panorama-guide.com.cn, panorama-guide.net.cn, panorama-guide.org.cn) and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company then register it to promote his company.
As is known to all, domain name registration based on the international principle is opened to company and individual. Any company or individual have the right to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Your company haven’t registered this name as China domains and internet keyword, so anyone is able to obtain them by registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner have priority to register China domain name and internet keyword during our dispute period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these China domain names (panorama-guide.cn, panorama-guide.com.cn, panorama-guide.net.cn, panorama-guide.org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these China domains and internet keyword during our dispute period.
Best Regards,
Scott Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: scott@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Zum Glück gibt es diesen Block hier (https://www.contoba.de/blog/?p=444), den man auch einmal OHNE Umblättern bei Google auf der ersten Seite findet! Vielen Dank, dass Ihr das hier veröffentlicht und allen ‚Laien‘ (so wie mich) vor einer Dummheit bewahrt habt 🙂
Liebe Grüße
Gesendet: Montag, 17. Juli 2017 um 13:39 Uhr
Von: „Alan Liu“
Betreff: besucher-award CN domain and keyword
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On July 17, 2017, we received an application from Jiakai Ltd requested „besucher-award“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (besucher-award.cn, besucher-award.com.cn, besucher-award.net.cn, besucher-award.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is associated with your company or not?
Best Regards,
Alan Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: alan@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Hallo – wir haben die untenstehende e-mail erst jetzt bekommen, die Masche läuft also fleissig weiter …
Neben der hier genannten domain haben wir noch einige andere – mal sehen, wann da die „Beglückung“ kommt. Danke für diesen Blog, der wirklich ohne große Suche gefunden werden kann und einem schnell Klarheit gibt! Und gut, dass Nutzer hier aktuelle Ergänzungen etc. einstellen können, so dass das „Eigenleben“ solcher Gruppierungen unter Beobachtung bleibt und andere Nutzer, die in der Thematik nicht so firm sind, vor Schaden bewahrt bleiben!
>>> „Karen Xu“ 20.06.2017 19:49 >>>
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On June 19, 2017, we received an application from Jiabao Ltd requested „gewerbezentrum-magdeburg“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (gewerbezentrum-magdeburg.cn, gewerbezentrum-magdeburg.com.cn, gewerbezentrum-magdeburg.net.cn, gewerbezentrum-magdeburg.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Best Regards,
Karen Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: karen@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Heute hat Shawn Zhang Dienst. ^^
Best Regards,
Shawn Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: shawn@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Danke für den Blog, das muss ein richtiges Familienunternehmen sein, Simon Zhang hatte am Freitag auch Dienst!
Best Regards,
Simon Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: simon@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Wir haben heute auch zwei mal eine entsprechende Mail bekommen.
Bin zwar sofort stutzig geworden und habe nach dem ich festgestellt habe das beide angeschriebenen Mailadressen nichts mit der Domainregistrierung zu tun haben mal etwas gegoogelt und bin auf diesen Blog gestossen. Danke dafür.
Best Regards,
Jack Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: jack@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
vielen Dank für den Blog, bei uns hat es Jim probiert.
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)net
Auch wir haben eine solche Mail bekommen.
Jimmy is also noch aktiv. Wir haben bei unseremz
Registrar nachgefragt ob Handlungsbedarf besteht.
Er hat uns auf den Blog aufmerksam gemacht.
Danke für die Info.
Am Dienstag war „Cousin“ Ian bei uns vorstellig geworden. Die Email wurde mir weitergeleitet, mit der Frage, ob man hier aktiv werden müsse.
Irgendwas kam mir merkwürdig vor, ich begann zu googeln und stiess auf diesen hilfreichen Blog.
Bei der näheren Betrachtung des Absenders ist mir die mailto: Adresse ins Auge gesprungen: chinaregistry807. Es scheint, die haben schon einige „Niederlassungen“ geöffnet –> typischer scam.
Von: Ian Liu [mailto:chinaregistry807@aliyun.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017 00:02
An: info@cfos.ch
Betreff: cfos CN domain and keyword
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On July 24, 2017, we received an application from Jiarui Ltd requested „cfos“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (cfos.cn, cfos.com.cn, cfos.net.cn, cfos.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor in China?
Best Regards,
Ian Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: ian@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Hurra, wir wurden nicht vergessen 🙁
Danke für den Blog
Jim Gong hatte heute am Sonntagmorgen Dienst!
chinaregistry3@263.net; im Auftrag von; Jim Gong
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huadu Ltd on August 6, 2017. They want to register “ arbeitssicherheit-saarland “ as their Internet Keyword and “ arbeitssicherheit-saarland .cn „、“ arbeitssicherheit-saarland .com.cn “ 、“ arbeitssicherheit-saarland .net.cn „、“ arbeitssicherheit-saarland .org.cn “ 、“ arbeitssicherheit-saarland .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ arbeitssicherheit-saarland “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
Guten Morgen!
Heute hat uns Jim Wang beehrt. Absender-Domain sollte networkregistry.net sein. Jaja…..
Wünsche noch ein schönen Wochenanfang…
Guten Morgen,
die Masche scheint sich ja zu lohnen, wenn es nach drei Jahren immer noch Versuche gibt…
Wir wurden auch bedacht – von Jim 🙂
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huadu Ltd on July 23, 2017. They want to register “ GELÖSCHT “ as their Internet Keyword and “ GELÖSCHT .cn „、“ GELÖSCHT .com.cn “ 、“ GELÖSCHT .net.cn „、“ GELÖSCHT .org.cn “ 、“ GELÖSCHT .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ GELÖSCHT “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)net
Schönen Gruß an den Botschafter 😛
haha … ich wurde heute auch freundlicherweise bedacht 😉 … Grüße an Herrn Paul Liu …
Das Unwesen treibt noch immer seinen Spuk … heute ein solches Mail erhalten!
Hallo Zusammen,
bin fast drauf rein gefallen, dann wurde ich auf diesen blog hingewiesen. Bei mir heißt er Jim Gong.
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua An Ltd on August 14, 2017. They want to register “ athamap “ as their Internet Keyword and “ athamap .cn „、“ athamap .com.cn “ 、“ athamap .net.cn „、“ athamap .org.cn “ 、“ athamap .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ athamap “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
Und bei uns heißt er Charles Xu, jetzt ist er aufgestiegen, er ist Server & Operatins Manager…. Aber umgezogen!
It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On August 21, 2017, we received an application from Jiaxun Ltd requested „online-impraegnierung“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (online-impraegnierung.cn, online-impraegnierung.com.cn, online-impraegnierung.net.cn, online-impraegnierung.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Charles Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: charles@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Besten Dank für diese Blog!
Jim hat einen neuen Kollegen namens „Scott“… 🙂
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On August 21, 2017, we received an application from Jiaxun Ltd requested „m***t“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (m****t.cn, m****at.com.cn, m***at.net.cn, m****at.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Scott Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: scott@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Jetzt als Richard Qin – neue Domain!!!!
Dear Manager,
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks!)
This is Richard Qin, Senior Manager of a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On August 21st, 2017, we received an application from Lishen Holdings Ltd requested “xxxx” as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names(xxxx.cn/ xxxx.com.cn/ xxxx.net.cn/ xxxx.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Kind regards
Richard Qin
Senior Manager
CNAME Headquarters
8008, Tianan Building, No. 1399 Jinqiao Road,
Shanghai 200120, China
0086-1377-4400-340( Mobi)
Habe auch Post von Jim erhalten. Zwei Tage zuvor auch noch diese Mail von unbekannt. Ist wahrscheinlich kein Zufall
Hello, I’m glad you received this email. Is that the owner of the domain name http://www.??????.com? I’m interested in buying your domain name. Do you have any intention to sell? How much is the selling price? Can you give us your quotation? My contact number is QQ:2122614455, or mobile phone number: 13306995289, or contact by reply mail. We look forward to your reply!!!
Die von Jim kennt ihr ja schon:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua An Ltd on August 20, 2017. They want to register “ ?????“ as their Internet Keyword and “ ???? .cn „、“ ?????.com.cn “ 、“ ?????.net.cn „、“ ?????.org.cn “ 、“ ?????.asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ ?????“ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
China Net Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chinanetregistry(dot)com
Das JOURNALISTENBÜRO BERLIN hat ebenfalls entsprechende Post von Jim aus China bekommen und bedankt sich für diesen Blogeintrag – andernfalls hätten wir ggf. zumindest freundlich geantwortet…
Beste Grüße
Christian Blees
Heute hat’s Jim Gong mal bei uns versucht 😉
Von: chinaregistry3@263.net; im Auftrag von; Jim Gong
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua An Ltd on September 3, 2017. They want to register “ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green “ as their Internet Keyword and “ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green .cn „、“ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green .com.cn “ 、“ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green .net.cn „、“ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green .org.cn “ 、“ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ kunst-bilder-drucke-tian-green “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)com
Wurde gleich stutzig und hab mir dann mal den E-Mail Header angesehen worauf die Alarmglocken nur noch mehr zum läuten angefangen haben. Hab dann gegoogelt und gleich Euren Blog gefunden. Vielen Dank dafür.
Beste Grüße
Kurt Gröger
Danke für Info hier. Ich war kurz davor zu antworten (ohne irgendeine Bestellung aufzugeben).
Die Antwort kann ich mir also sparen 😉
Hier das durchaus freundlich formilierte Anschreiben, das ich heute bekam:
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua An Ltd on September 3, 2017. They want to register “ xxxxx“ as their Internet Keyword and “ xxxxx.cn „、“ xxxxx.com.cn “ 、“ xxxxx.net.cn „、“ xxxxx.org.cn “ 、“ xxxxx.asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ pictureartwork “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Jim | Service Manager
Chinese Registry (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chineseregistry(dot)net
Bei uns hat sich auch der Jim Wang gemeldet, diese Betrugsmasche muß wohl funktonieren, da sie seit 2 Jahren angewandt wird.
Wir haben heute Post von Peter Liu (customerservice06@chinaregistry-sh.com) bekommen 😀
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Sep 11, 2017, we received an application from Jiatai Ltd requested „yourname“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (yourname.cn, yourname.com.cn, yourname.net.cn, yourname.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have association with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Peter Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: peter@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Offenbar heisst Jim (oder wer auch immer) jetzt auch „Bob Liu“, ansonst exakt dieselbe Masche!
Bekommene Email:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On Sep 11, 2017, we received an application from Jiatai Ltd requested „vefoe“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (vefoe.cn, vefoe.com.cn, vefoe.net.cn, vefoe.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor in China?
Best Regards,
Bob Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: bob@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Seit heute darf ich mich auch hier in die Chinese-Galerie eintragen. Jedenfalls erstaunlich, dass es so lange gedauert hat, meine erste Domainregistrierung fand im März 1998 statt. Muss ich mir Gedanken über meine Domainnamen machen, weil das solange gedauert hat, bis mir Jim geschrieben hat? 🙂
Mein Dank geht ebenfalls an den Verfasser des Blogbeitrags.
es gibt einen neuen Mitarbeiter: Thomas Liu
Und jetzt interessieren die Chinesen für unsere Hilfsorganisation…
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Oct 16, 2017, we received an application from Huikai Ltd requested „ellerbek-hilft“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (ellerbek-hilft.cn, ellerbek-hilft.com.cn, ellerbek-hilft.net.cn, ellerbek-hilft.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have association with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Einen Tag später kam dann diese Mail:
To whom it concerns,
We will register the China domain names „ellerbek-hilft.cn“ „ellerbek-hilft.com.cn“ „ellerbek-hilft.net.cn“ „ellerbek-hilft.org.cn“ and internet keyword „ellerbek-hilft“ and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Thomas Liu’s approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr. Thomas Liu advised us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Ning
Es läuft und läuft und läuft….
… und auch unser Verein durfte sich heute über Post per Mail freuen.
Gleicher Text, jetzt mal von Charles 🙂
Besten Dank für die Hinweise!
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On Oct 16, 2017, we received an application from Huikai Ltd requested „gepa-wddn“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (gepa-wddn.cn, gepa-wddn.com.cn, gepa-wddn.net.cn, gepa-wddn.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Charles Xu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: charles@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Jerry Zhang war heute bei mir aktiv! Ich wurde gleich stutzig ob so viel Fürsorglichkeit, dass jemand mich über die die Chinesische Registrierung meines Websiten-Namens informieren wollte und habe den Absender im Internet gesucht. So bin ich auf dieser Website gelandet. Danke für die Info, die mir das Weiterleiten der E-Mail an meinen Support und weitere Gedanken erspart!
Auch ich bekam am 17.10.2017 eine e-Mail von Jerry Zhang. Skeptisch wie ich mittlerweile bei so etwas bin, habe ich den ersten Satz der e-mail bei google eingegeben und bin bei diesem Blog gelandet. Vielen Dank für den Hinweis!
Ich bekam folgende e-mail:
Von jerry@chinaregistry.net.cn
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On Oct 16, 2017, we received an application from Huikai Ltd requested „Domainname, von mir ersetzt“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (Domainname, von mir ersetzt….cn, Domainname, von mir ersetzt… .com.cn, Domainname, von mir ersetzt… .net.cn, Domainname, von mir ersetzt… .org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is associated with your company or not?
Best Regards,
Jerry Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: jerry@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Danke, wir haben diesen Mist in den letzten Wochen auch mehrmals bekommen. Ich dachte mir schon, dass es sich um Betrug handelt, schließlich ist die erwähnte Domain schon seit Jahren ordentlich auf uns registriert. 100%ig sicher war ich mir trotzdem nicht.
Schön, dass ich als erstes auf Eure Seite gestoßen bin und das nun aufgeklärt wurde! 🙂
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This is a formal email. We are the Domain Registration Service company in China. Here I have something to confirm with you. On Nov 3, 2017, we received an application from Jiaming Ltd requested „XXX“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (XXX.cn, XXX.cn, XXX.net.cn, XXX.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have relations with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Michael Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: michael@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
habe auch eine E-Mail von „Kevin Liu“ von „China Registry (Head Office)“ erhalten. Bin bei so etwas immer skeptisch. Ist für mich wie ein Anruf mit nicht angezeigter Rufnummer… Danke an den Blog hier, so dass ich meine Vermutung bestätigen konnten.
Bei mir ist es ein Mike Zhang (jack.liu@chinaygdomain.com.cn; im Auftrag von; Mike Zhang ), der mich kürzlich kontaktierte, drei Tage später kam eine Mail von Lin jianfeng , der die Domains angeblich registrieren will. Und danach nochmal eine Mail von Mike Zhang
Dear CEO,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua an Ltd on October 26, 2017. They want to register “ xxx“ as their Internet Keyword and “ xxx.cn „、“ xxx.com.cn “ 、“ xxx.net.cn „、“ xxx.org.cn “ 、“ xxx.asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ xxx“ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
Mike Zhang | Service Manager
China YG Domain (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)chinaygdomain(dot)cn
Dear Sirs,
Our company based in chinese office, our company has submitted the “ xxx“ as CN/ASIA(.asia/.cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn) domain name and Internet Keyword, we are waiting for Mr. Jim’s approval. We think these names are very important for our business in Chinese and Asia market. Even though Mr. Jim advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Best regards
Lin jianfeng
Dear CEO,
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN/ASIA domain names ( xxx.asia , xxx.cn, xxx.com.cn, xxx.net.cn, xxx.org.cn) and internet keyword (xxx) on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered.
Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN/ASIA domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN/ASIA domain names (xxx.asia, simheaven.cn, xxx.com.cn, xxx.net.cn, xxx.org.cn) and internet keyword (xxx) to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form with price list to you and help you register these within dispute period. Look forward to your kind reply!
Kind regards
Mike Zhang | Service Manager
China YG Domain (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.chinaygdomain.cn
um den Umfag des Betrugs zu dokmentieren teili ich mit, dass ich auch angeschrieben wurde.
Dear Sir,
The leegroup name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding leegroup brand and some leegroup based domain names. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Shenzhen KEN Co. Limited,they want to register the leegroup brand and some domain names. Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Looking forward to your reply
Best Regards,
Mandy Lau
General Manager of Registration department
Address:No. 36 BeiJing Road,Hefei 230001,China
Tel: (+86) 0739 5215 980
Fax:(+86) 0739 5215 980
P.S. Der Absender der eMail war: Mandy Lau
e-int.ch gibt es tatsächlich. Oder ist das eine Fake Website? Oder ist die eMail echt?
Auch Mandy Lau hat jetzt eine Kollegin namens Cindy Zhao. Die Firma, um die es angeblich geht, heißt jetzt nicht mehr Shenzhen KEN, sondern Shenzhen REN. So klappern die wohl das ganze Alphabet ab. (Als nächstes käme logischerweise Shenzhen SEN, am Ende Shenzhen ZEN.)
Dear Sir,
The xxx name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding xxx brand and some xxx based domain names. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Shenzhen REN Co. Limited,they want to register the xxx brand and some domain names. Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Looking forward to your reply
Best Regards,
Cindy Zhao
General Manager of Registration department
Address:No. 36 BeiJing Road,Hefei 230001,China
Tel: (+86) 0739 5215 980
Fax:(+86) 0739 5215 980
Und noch eine neue Kollegin mit neuer Adresse:
Alina Lee
Dear Sir,
The XXX name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding XXX brand and some XXX based domain names. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Shenzhen REN Co. Limited,they want to register the XXX brand and some domain names. Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Looking forward to your reply
Best Regards,
Alina Lee
General Manager of Registration department
Address:No. 178 ChangJiang Road,Hefei 230000,China
Tel: (+86) 0739 5215 980
Fax:(+86) 0739 5215 980
Bei uns kam heute morgen folgende Mail an:
Dear Manager,
Regarding registration of your company name krick-interactive, hereby send the confirmation letter, please read it carefully.
We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names. Today, Our center received an application from MraoMa Company and they apply to register krick-interactive as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Davis Wan | Service & Operations Manager
Danach eine Signatur als Bild eingebunden – Firma TTO (ttoit.org nicht erreichbar). Das ist ja schon immer generell verdächtig, wenn die Signatur nicht im Klartext übertragen wird.
Auch hier kam heute so eine Mail an:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are an agency engaging in registering brand and domain names. Our center received an application from Deshou Technology Ltd and they apply to register smillaswohngefuehl as their brand name and some top-level domain names. We found the name is same as your used name. I don’t know whether or not you have authorized them.
We are handling the application form and confirming with you if you authorize them or not ? If you don’t authorize them, please give me an reply.Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards
Avery Shen
Building 2,Zhidi Square,No.288,Huaining Road,Hefei Anhui
ich froh das ich das gegoogelt habe .
Denn die treiben immer noch ihr unwesen.
Wir bekamen jetzt auch so eine Mail die ich erst einmal versucht habe zu übersetzen und dann dachte was soll das. Dann ging ich auf suche und fand diesen Bericht. werde es nun in Spam verschieben.
Bei mir hat sich der schon bekannte Mike Zhang gemeldet:
Best Regards,
Mike Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
Cn YG Domain (Head Office) | 8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)cnygdomain(dot)cn
Danke für die Infos auf dieser Website!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jap, wir haben auch die Mails bekommen und auch erstmal schockiert geantwortet. Glücklicherweise haben wir auch nochmal gegoogelt und sind auf euch gestoßen!
The infocurve name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
Dear Sir,
This is a letter regarding infocurve brand and some infocurve based domain names. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Pae Technology Ltd,they want to register the infocurve brand and some domain names(cn hk etc). Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your companys cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Looking forward to your reply
Best Regards,
Parker Wu
International Department/Manager
Tel: +86.7395215982 Fax:+86.7395215983
Address: No. 47, TaBei Road Shaoyang 422000 China
Thanks for your reply. if you need to register it, Following is the procedure, you can do follow it,
1. We will send the dispute application form to you.
2. You fill out the form and return it via email(scaned).
3. We will apply for these domain for your company, In the meantime, we will send the Invoice signed & stamped to you.
4. You remit the payment to us according to the bank information on the Invoice and send the payment proof to us.
5. We will register the domain names for you within 2 workdays after receiving the remittance.
6. You will be awarded the certificates of Brand name after complete the registration.
Following is price list, for your reference:
infocurve.asia 30 EUR/Per Year
infocurve.com.tw 30 EUR/Per Year
infocurve.tw 30 EUR/Per Year
infocurve.cn 50 EUR/Per Year
infocurve.com.cn 50 EUR/Per Year
infocurve.hk 50 EUR/Per Year
infocurve.com.hk 50 EUR/Per Year
Brand name:
Infocurve 150 EUR/Per Year
If you decide to register those domain names, please let us know in order to transfer the Application Form to you. Any question, please contact us in time. Thanks for your cooperation.
Best Regards,
Parker Wu
Tel: +86.7395215980 Fax:+86.7395215981
Address: No. 178, ChangJiang Road Hefei 230000 China
Scheiße, zeiht euch mal die Preise rein 😀 Dieses Vixpack
Auch wir sind dabei. Was Asien/China bloß mit heilkreide-shop wollen?? Bei uns sah das Ganze so aus:
Dear Manager,
heilkreide-shop brand name application, China registration department confirmation letter:
We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names. Today, Our center received an application from YANHON COMPANY and they apply to register heilkreide-shop as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Grace Ma | Service & Operations Manager
Tel:+0086-5538-3662-31 || Fax:+0086-5538-3662-31
This e-mail are confidential and may contain information that is exempt from disclosure by law and subject to copyright.
P please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Gleich mal Google befragt und sofort Euren Blog gefunden. Danke dafür!!
Bei uns auch… sah dieses Mal so aus:
Dear Mr. / Mrs.
Sorry to bother you. We are a domain registrar. Today we received a registration request from Connie Ng International. They applied to register the ***unsere Domain*** brand name and several domain names. But we found those names have the same main body as your company name. We hereby confirm with your company whether this company is affiliated with your company. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.
Jerry Chan
Tel: 0086.5516349 1192
Fax: 0086.5516349 1192
Dingsheng Times Square No.299,Maanshan South Road,Hefei
wir haben heute das gleiche erhalten. Ich war auch erst verdutzt und dachte mir auch ich google das mal, erschien mir doch seltsam das gerade ein Chinese so viel „Mitgefühl“ hat…
Dank euch weiß ich nun das es Spam ist. Hier noch die Mail dazu:
Von: Vince Hu [mailto:v.h@tanet.org.cn]
Gesendet: Samstag, 7. April 2018 05:15
An: info
Betreff: vermessungsartikel
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
Dear CEO/Principal,
My name is Vince Hu. Our company one authorization of China Brand & Domain Name Office, mainly responsible for Domain Opposition and Brand registration, We are dedicated to providing quality domain name services with our clients and IP lawyers. We formally received an application on April 5, 2018. that a company claimed „Pitt Ltd“ were applying to register „vermessungsartikel“ as their Network Brand and some „vermessungsartikel“ Asian countries top-level domain nqames(in/hk/tw/etc) and China (CN) domain names through our firm.
Now we are handling this registration, and after our initial checking, we found the name were similar to your company’s, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we would finish the registration at once. If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
(This is a very important case, so please transfer this email to your CEO or Principal. Thanks a lot.)
Best Regards,
Vince Hu
Senior Consultant Manager
Virenfrei. http://www.avast.com
schon wieder hat der Manager einen anderen Namen 😉
Als ich die Mail erhalten habe, war ich bereits etwas erbost über die Frechheit, dass ein chinesisches Unternehmen meinen Domainnamen belegen will.
Erst nach längerem Hin und Her kam ich auf die Idee, nach „chinaygdomain.cn“ zu googeln – und siehe da: Ich fand Dutzende von Warnungen, auf solche Mails nicht zu antworten, weil es sich um Abzocker handelt.
Dann habe ich ihm eine recht freundliche Antwort geschickt.
Der Schriftverkehr im Einzelnen:
Von: info@chinaygnet.cn;
im Auftrag von Mike Zhang [mike.zhang@chinaygdomain.cn]
Datum: 24.4.18 14:40
Dear CEO,
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua An Ltd on April 23, 2018. They want to register “ gegsoft “ as their Internet Keyword and “ gegsoft .cn „,
“ gegsoft .com.cn “ ,“ gegsoft .net.cn „,“ gegsoft .org.cn “ ,“ gegsoft .asia “
domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ gegsoft “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not? Please reply to mike.zhang@chinaygdomain.cn or chinanameregistry@188.com.
Best Regards,
Mike Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
China YG Domain (Head Office) | 8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Email: mike.zhang@chinaygdomain(dot)cn or chinanameregistry@188.com
Web: www(dot)chinaygdomain(dot)cn
Von: xyz@gegsoft.de
Datum: 27.4.18 17:38
Dear Mr. Zhang,
Many thanks for the message.
My domain name has been registered for 7 years and many websites have links pointing to gegsoft.de.
It would be a great effort to inform the webmasters of those sites, and I want to keep my domain name.
In order to solve this conflict, I suggest you to ask Hua An Ltd to use the domain name geg-soft.* because the name gegsoft has not been registered under any other TLD yet.
I am loking forward to receiving your answer.
Yours sincerely,
Gerald Gerosch
Unterdessen hat mich ein anderer Chinese (nämlich der, der den Namen „gegsoft“ haben will) angeschrieben:
From Lin Jianfeng [lin-jianfeng@vip.163.com] (Hua An Ltd.)
Date: 28.4.18 04:29
Dear Sirs,
Our company based in chinese office, our company has submitted the “ gegsoft “ as CN/ASIA(gegsoft.asia, gegsoft.cn, gegsoft.com.cn, gegsoft.net.cn, gegsoft.org.cn) domain name and Internet Keyword “ gegsoft „, we are waiting for Mr. Mike’s approval. We think these names are very important for our business in Chinese and Asia market. Even though Mr. Mike advises us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Best regards
Lin jianfeng
Von: Mike Zhang [mike.zhang@chinaygdomain.com]
Datum: 1.5.18 04:53
Dear Gerald,
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN/ASIA domain names ( gegsoft.asia , gegsoft.cn, gegsoft.com.cn, gegsoft.net.cn, gegsoft.org.cn) and internet keyword (gegsoft) on the internet.
In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered.
Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN/ASIA domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration.
However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN/ASIA domain names
(gegsoft.asia, gegsoft.cn, gegsoft.com.cn, gegsoft.net.cn, gegsoft.org.cn) and internet keyword (gegsoft) to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form with price list to you and help you register
these within dispute period. Look forward to your kind reply!
Kind regards
Mike Zhang | Service Manager
China YG Domain (Head Office)
8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.chinaygdomain.com
Das Angebot wollte ich mir erst mal anschauen und dann entscheiden was ich mache:
Von: xyz@gegsoft.de
Datum: 2.5.18 00:42
Dear Mr. Zhang,
since I was the first to register gegsoft in Germany seven years ago, I do insist in keeping this name unique. So I would appreciate to take advantage of my priority.
In order to do so, I request you to send me the price list for registering the domains in question.
Best regards,
Gerald Gerosch
Von: Mike Zhang [mike.zhang@chinaygdomain.com]
Datum: 2.5.18 03:46
Dear Gerald:
Thanks for your email. We send your company the application form to fill in (PDF format), please check the attachment. You can find the cost from this form. If your company want to make this application, please fill in this form and send
it back with your company registration certificate (business license) by email within 3 business days.
Kind regards
Mike Zhang | Service Manager
(Zitat aus dem Anhang [gegsoft.pdf]):
Internet Keyword gegsoft [ ]158.00EUR/year
Period of Registration [ ]5years [ ]10years [ ]20years
Domain Name
gegsoft.asia [ ]38.60EUR/year
gegsoft.cn [ ]39.60EUR/year
gegsoft.com.cn [ ]39.60EUR/year
gegsoft.net.cn [ ]39.60EUR/year
gegsoft.org.cn [ ]39.60EUR/year
Period of Registration [ ]5years [ ]10years [ ]20years
Ich rechnete kurz durch, was mich der Spaß wohl kosten würde:
5 * 158 + 5 * (38,60 + 4 * 39,60) = 1775 Euro
Das bewog mich dann, mal nach chinaygdomain.com zu googeln – und bin auf diesen Blog gestoßen.
Dann habe ich eine ganz tolle Antwort verfasst:
Von: xyz@gegsoft.de
Datum: 4.5.18 20:36
Dear Mr. Zhang,
after a real short research, I found out that your company, among others, is well known as a fraudulent fake which is trying to poke money out of unwary people running websites in countries other than China.
Everybody is severely warning of chinaygdomain.com and suggesting not to answer any mail from your company. I almost believed you but the prices for the appliance were too high and the period much too short. That’s why I became cautious and looked for people having experience with similar cases.
I passed this case to my lawyers, and they will take care of you and your company.
I will add an extra page to my website that describes exactly what you and your company is doing. Furthermore, I will bring you and your company to TV with a special show on how you are trying to betray people all over the world with your deceptive business practice.
I think it is better if you don’t send me any more mail, except for a very humble apology which might make me change my mind about my TV plan.
Best regards,
Gerald Gerosch
Bin ja echt gespannt, was ich als Antwort bekomme (wenn überhaupt…)
Ich werde dann noch mal hier berichten.
Weiß nicht, ob es sinnvoll ist, den Betrügern noch Tipps zu geben wie Preis zu hoch, Laufzeit zu kurz. Von einer TV-Sendung oder einem Anwalt aus Deutschland werden sie sich auch nicht beeindrucken lassen. Mund halten und diesen Blog am Leben halten hilft wohl am besten. Damit er beim Googeln immer oben steht. Hat mir soeben auch geholfen.
Ich habe nach meiner Antwort nie wieder von Mr. Zhang gehört.
Auch im Mai geht es weiter, diesmal von Frank Liu 😉
Interessant dabei, man macht sich wohl nun die Mühe und baut extra eine Website auf [ http://www.chinaregistry.cn ] oder man hat dort den Emailserver gekapert oder es ist die Masche dieser Firma.
Di 22.05.2018 16:34
XXX CN domain and keyword
(If you are NOT CEO, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On May 22, 2018 , we received an application from Kaijin Ltd requested „XXX“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (XXX.cn, XXX.com.cn, XXX.net.cn, XXX.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is associated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards,
Frank Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: frank@chinaregistry.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.cn
Beste Grüße,
Interessant. — Ich habe am 11.8.22 eine Mail von Peter Liu erhalten. Der Rest ist gleich.
Da mir die Masche bereits bekannt ist, habe ich beschlossen, abzuwarten. Sollte sich der Herr Liu nochmal melden, werde ich ihm schreiben, dass ich bereit wäre, den Domainnamen für 1,5 Millionen Yuan (ca. 225.000 US-Dollar) zu verkaufen.
Mal sehen, was er davon hält…
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am grateful for you checking this letter out. We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently, we received the registration request from Nrse International ltd applying to register *** brand and domain names (cn hk etc), which have same main body as your company’s name. We send this letter to confirm with your company whether or not you authorize them to register those names. Please give me your thoughts ASAP so as to let us carry on, Thanks.
Frank Wu
China Registry (Head office)
No 8-8018 Peace Building
Jinghu District
Wuhu City
Tel: 0086.553.836.6231
Fax: 0086.553.836.6231
Web: http://www.taztc.org
auch wir bekamen eine Mail, Ministerialblätter scheinen auch interessant zu sein, diese Mal ist es Mike.Zhang.
Vielen Dank für diesen Blog, sonst wäre es bei den Kollegen gelandet.
– Original Nachricht –
Von: mike.zhang@cnygdomain.cn
Gesendet: 25.05.2018 07:12:48
Gesendet an: ####
Dear CEO,
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hua An Ltd on May 21, 2018. They want to register “ gmbl-online “ as their Internet Keyword and “ gmbl-online .cn „、“ gmbl-online .com.cn “ 、“ gmbl-online .net.cn „、“ gmbl-online .org.cn “ 、“ gmbl-online .asia “ domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find “ gmbl-online “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not? Please reply to mike.zhang@cnygdomain.cn or chinanameregistry@188.com.
Best Regards,
Mike Zhang | Service & Operations Manager
Cn YG Domain (Head Office) | 8006, Xinlong Building, No. 415 WuBao Road, Shanghai 201105, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Email: mike.zhang@cnygdomain(dot)cn or chinanameregistry@188.com
Web: www(dot)cnygdomain(dot)cn
Auch wir wurden nun angeschrieben….. diesmal von Kevin:
Von: Kevin Liu
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Juli, 04:00
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On July 2, 2018 , we received an application from Kaining Ltd requested „multiflower“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (multiflower.cn, multiflower.com.cn, multiflower.net.cn, multiflower.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Best Regards
Kevin Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: kevin@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Es läuft weiter…
Robert Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: robert@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
Text ist bekannt…
ich habe dieselbe Mail von Peter Liu und dann anschließend von Gareth Jing erhalten.
Peter Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: peter@chinaregistry.net.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.net.cn
2018 und die Masche läuft immer noch. Diesmal ist es Barry Liu. Die Abzocke ist aber gleich geblieben.
Die geben nicht auf 🙂 bei mir heute eine Dana Tian DanaTi@yun-d.com.cn
vielen Dank für den Warnhinweis
Wir haben auch E-Post erhalten. Danke für den Hinweis.
Von: Barry Liu [mailto:service@cnregistry-sh.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. August 2018 04:52
Betreff: hamburger-kammerspiele CN domain and keyword
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain name registration service company in China. On Aug 6, 2018 , we received an application from Kaiying Ltd requested „hamburger-kammerspiele“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (hamburger-kammerspiele.cn, hamburger-kammerspiele.com.cn, hamburger-kammerspiele.net.cn, hamburger-kammerspiele.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards
Barry Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: barry@cnregistry.net
Web: http://www.cnregistry.net
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Dear CEO/Principal,
The „abc“ name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding „abc“ network brand and some „abc“ based asia domain names(.cn/.hk/.tw/.in Etc). We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Tirs Ltd,they want to register the „abc“ network brand and some domain names. Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have authorize the company to apply these names. Now we are handling this registration, If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Vince Hu
Senior Consultant Manager
Immer noch am Werk
10. August 2018 12:22 Uhr
Absender: Luo@mopo-tech.cn
„Dear Sir or Madam,
Sorry to bother you. We are domain registrar and received the registration request from Pimot Investment LTD applying to register x brand and domain names(cn hk etc). We found those names have same main body as your company’s name. We hereby confirm with your company whether or not your company are affiliated with the applicant. Please let me know your thoughts ASAP so as to let us work this out, Have a nice day.
Anthony Luo“
Schein wieder eine Spamwelle zu sein, diesmal ein „Albert Liu“
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On Aug 13, 2018 , we received an application from Kaiyuan Ltd requested „Domainname“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (Domainname.cn, Domainname.com.cn, Domainname.net.cn, Domainname.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company is affiliated with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards
Albert Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: albert@chinaregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.org.cn
Bei uns ist es der auch schon aufgetauchte Vince Hu:
Dear CEO/Principal,
The „magnus-hirschfeld“ name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding „magnus-hirschfeld“ network brand and some „magnus-hirschfeld“ based asia domain names(.cn/.hk/.tw/.in Etc). We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Tirs Ltd, they want to register the „magnus-hirschfeld“ network brand and some domain names. Firstly, we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have authorize the company to apply these names. Now we are handling this registration, If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Vince Hu
Senior Consultant Manager
Ob die Chinesen wissen, was eine Kantorei ist? Am 14. 8. erhielt ich eine solche E-Mail von Nick Liu:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On Aug 13, 2018 , we received an application from Kaiyuan Ltd requested „auenkantorei“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (auenkantorei.cn, auenkantorei.com.cn, auenkantorei.net.cn, auenkantorei.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is associated with your company or not?
Best Regards
Nick Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: nick@chinaregistry.com.cn
Web: http://www.chinaregistry.com.cn
Ich antwortete knapp, dass wir mit dieser Company nichts zu tun haben, darauf kam folgende E-Mail:
To whom it concerns,
We will register the China domain names „auenkantorei.cn“ „auenkantorei.com.cn“ „auenkantorei.net.cn“ „auenkantorei.org.cn“ and internet keyword „auenkantorei“ and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Nick Liu’s approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr. Nick Liu advised us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Jing
gesendet von einer gmail-Adresse; „Kaiyuan LTD“ scheint so arm zu sein, dass sie sich nicht mal Corporate-E-Mail-Adressen leisten können.
Ich fühlte mich „geehrt“ mit Weiske-info.cn auf dem chinesischem Markt vertreten zu sein, haha.
Die Chinesen machen sich nicht einmal die Mühe zu recherchieren wer, was, wo, wie anbietet, geschweige produziert. Eine Methode wie wir es schon mit Fax-Akquise kennen, aber darauf fällt doch kein Mensch rein, oder?
Herzlich Willkommen im Zeitalter digitaler Bauernfänger. Ab in den Papierkorb, für immer und ewig!
Schau’s gut hin. Im Posteingang einfach mal mit dem Mauszeiger über den Absender fahren…und bei Bedenken – sofort ungesehen löschen. Ausser beim Finanzamt 😉
Griaß di!
Auch ich bekam eine solche E-Mail:
Dear Manager,
creativeju name application for registration confirmation, please read the following letter:
We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names. Today, Our center received an application from MarTen Company and they apply to register creativeju as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
David Wan | Service & Operations Manager
Tel:0086.553836.6231 || Fax:0086.553836.6231
Auf meine Antwort kam auch schnell wieder eine neue E-Mail:
Notice: Regarding the Domain name dispute and registration case, we did not receive any of your reply until now. Concerning the mentioned Domains names and Brand Name please confirm whether you need to register those names by yourselves? If need, please let us know in time, we can send an Domain Name Application Registration Contract to you. If you think the registration of that company or the use of following domain names will not bring any negative effect to your company, I suggest you can give up these domain names, then we will accept that company application unconditionally. Further questions please contact me in time.
Best Regards,
David Wan | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office) | No.8-8018, Peace Building,
Jinghu District, Wuhu City, China
Tel: 0086 5538 3662 31 | Fax: 0086 5538 3662 31
Diese werde ich jetzt wohl nicht mehr beantworten.
Grüße, Julia
Mittlerweile gleiche Betrugsmasche unter anderem Namen
Dear CEO/Principal,
The „wherethetrailbegins“ name registration is concerned with your company name,please check it prudently.
This is a letter regarding „wherethetrailbegins“ network brand and some „wherethetrailbegins“ based asia domain names(.cn/.hk/.tw/.in Etc). We are a Chinese domain registrar. Recently we received the registration application from Tirs Ltd,they want to register the „wherethetrailbegins“ network brand and some domain names. Firstly,we want to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Secondly,we need to verify whether you have authorize the company to apply these names. Now we are handling this registration, If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we could handle this issue better. Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Vince Hu
Senior Consultant Manager
Pingback: Die Betrugsmasche der Chinesen gibt es auch Deutsch | Technologietransfer, leicht gemacht
Die Herren Kevin Lui und Gareth Jing sind in dieser Woche KW43 2018 auch bei uns vorstellig geworden. Großes Interesse am Unternehmensnamen für wichtige Geschäfte in Asien. Unsere deutsche Hilfsbereitschaft hat zumindestens Mr. Kevin Lui eine Antwort gegeben. Zwar mit großer Skepsis, aber wir sind freundlich zu den Menschen. Doch Mr. Gareth Jing wird keine Nachricht erhalten.
Ja, die Herrschaften haben auch bei mir vorgesprochen und mir von ihrem Konflikt berichtet, den ich ja ganz einfach lösen und dadurch für mich entstehende Probleme vermeiden könnte. Schlaue Masche eigentlich, aber auch irgendwie schnell erkennbar/durchschaubar. Trotzdem wird es bedauerlicherweise ordentlich klingeln in ihren Kassen. Werde demnach meine Möglichkeiten nutzen, um davor zu warnen.
Bei mir heißt er Daniel, die Tel.-, Mobil- und Fax-Nr. sind identisch. Ist auch nicht die erste Mail dieser Art, die ich bekommen habe.
Habe auch ein Mail von Thomas Liu erhalten. von http://www.cnregistry.org.cn.
Besten Dank für diesen Blog. Spart jede Menge Geld und Ärger.
erstmal danke für den Blog! Hat uns sehr geholfen!
Haben heute auch dieses Mail erhalten:
Thomas Liu
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On April 29, 2019, we received an application from Kaisheng Ltd requested „carevallo“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (carevallo.cn, carevallo.com.cn, carevallo.net.cn, carevallo.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have association with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: thomas@cnregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org.cn
Hallo alle zusammen,
auch bei mir ging es gestern los mit dieser Email, sein Name war jetzt Simon Liu:
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On April 29, 2019, we received an application from Kaisheng Ltd requested „indiadreams4you“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (indiadreams4you.cn, indiadreams4you.com.cn, indiadreams4you.net.cn, indiadreams4you.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether your company have connection with this Chinese company or not?
Best Regards
Simon Liu | Service & Operations Manager
CN Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Tel: +86-02164193517 | Fax: +86-02164198327 | Mob: +86-13816428671
Email: simon@cnregistry.org.cn
Web: http://www.cnregistry.org.cn
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Ich habe darauf geantwortet, dass ich diese chinesische Finma nicht kenne und bekam dann heute früh diese E-Mail:
To whom it concerns,
We will register the China domain names „indiadreams4you.cn“ „indiadreams4you.com.cn“ „indiadreams4you.net.cn“ „indiadreams4you.org.cn“ and internet keyword „indiadreams4you“ and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Simon Liu’s approval and think these CN domains and internet keyword are very important for our business. Even though Mr. Simon Liu advised us to change another name, we will persist in this name.
Kind regards
Gareth Jing
Ein wenig googln und schon finden sich zahlreiche Hinweise. Unter anderem auch der von euch. Vielen Dank an euch und an alle immer wachsam bleiben!
Mai 2019
„Mike Zhang“ ist noch immer aktiv.
auch ich habe heute so eine Mail erhalten.
Bei mir war der Absender eine Diana Tian:
Von: Dana Tian
Dana Tian
Tel:0086-551 634 911 93
Fax:0086-551 634 911 92
Address:No.220,Tian Heng Building,fanhu Road,Hefei China
Gleiches Schema, gleicher Text, gleiche Website.
Viele Grüße
Bei mir heute auch:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a domain registrar. We received application request from Nakong International Ltd, they apply to register XXX as their brand and top-level domain names. we found the main body of those domain names is same as your company name. I confirm with your company about the relationship between you two companies. Please let me know whether or not you authorize them to register those domain names.
Right now, we don’t pass their registration request. We are confirming it whether or not you authorize them to register those domain names. looking forward to your reply, thanks.
Best Regards
Baron Wei
Tel:0086-551 634 911 93
Fax:0086-551 634 911 92
Address:No.220,Tian Heng Building,fanhu Road,Hefei China
Bei uns kam auch etwas ähnliches an:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are an agency engaging in registering brand and domain names. Our center received an application from Yuegao International Ltd and they apply to register heavn-lights as their brand name and some top-level domain names. We found the name is same as your used name. I don’t know whether or not you have authorized them.
We are handling the application form and confirming with you if you authorize them or not ? If you don’t authorize them, please give me an reply.Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards
Baron Wei
Tel:0086-551 634 911 93
Fax:0086-551 634 911 92
Address:No.220,Tian Heng Building,fanhu Road,Hefei China
Blog ist perfekt…DANKE
ich hatte die Ehre mit Cynthia Lee
Dear Director,
This matter is concening the registration of your company name ………………….., please check it earnestly.
We are an Official registrar. A few days ago, Our center received an application from Chengdu Sun Co.,Ltd and they apply to register „lappland-shop“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. Please confirm if you have approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Cynthia Lee
Executive Manager
Address:Floor 12, Baida CBD Building, 360 West Changjiang Road,Hefei Anhui, China
Tel: (+86) 07395 2159 80
Fax:(+86) 07395 2159 80
Auch von mir ein „Danke“!
Dass die versuchen, sich Shops oder Companies unter den Nagel zu reißen, kann man ja noch verstehen, aber die machen noch nicht einmal vor einer rein privaten Foto-Seite halt ;-).
Bei mir hat „Cynthia Lee“ in den letzten 5 Tagen geheiratet und heißt jetzt „Cynthia Jiang“
Dear Director,
This matter is concening the registration of your company name „bernis-bilderwelt“, please check it earnestly.
We are an Official registrar. A few days ago, Our center received an application from Guangxi Max Co.,Ltd and they apply to register „bernis-bilderwelt“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. Please confirm if you have approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Cynthia Jiang
Executive Manager
Address:Floor 12, Baida CBD Building, 360 West Changjiang Road,Hefei Anhui, China
Tel: (+86) 07395 2159 80
Fax:(+86) 07395 2159 80
Die sind immer noch aktiv.
Die wollten zwar kein Geld von mir (bisher), aber deren hochoffizielle Werbung ist schon (fast) glaubwürdig. Wären da nur nicht die Feinheiten:
z.B. seit wann interessieren sich chinesische Investoren für Namensrechte in Deutschland? Jeder Chinese weiß doch, dass deutsches Recht in China keine Wirkung entfaltet.
Und umgekehrt interessiert es mich doch kein bisschen, ob Chinesen eine Firma mit meinem Domainnamen unter einer chinesischen Domain (.cn, .com.cn, .net.cn) gründen.
Gut, dass uns das BGB vor solchem Spam-Engineering schützt.
5 Jahre später wurde dieselbe Masche offensichtlich wieder herausgekramt. Vorsicht!
Dear Director,
This matter is concening the registration of your company name „XY“, please check it earnestly.
We are an Official registrar. A few days ago, Our center received an application from Xiamen Max Co.,Ltd and they apply to register „XY“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. Please confirm if you have approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Cynthia Lee
Executive Manager
Address:Floor 12, Baida CBD Building, 360 West Changjiang Road,Hefei Anhui, China
Tel: (+86) 07395 2159 80
Fax:(+86) 07395 2159 80
Bei mir haben sie es auch probiert! Danke für die Info!
Bei uns auch …
Dear Director,
This matter is concening the registration of your company name „4-plm“, please check it earnestly.
We are an Official registrar. A few days ago, Our center received an application from Shenzhen App Co.,Ltd and they apply to register „4-plm“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. Please confirm if you have approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Sandy Zheng
Executive Manager
Address:Floor 12, Baida CBD Building, 360 West Changjiang Road,Hefei Anhui, China
Tel: (+86) 07395 2159 80
Fax:(+86) 07395 2159 80
Sie sind immer noch aktiv.
Inzwischen ist es David Liu.
Beste Grüße!
Hier heisst er nun Mr. Louis Yang | Services & Operating Manager CHINADNS
ich danke für diese Information. Bei mir wurde diese Anschrift angegeben: Steve Liu | Service & Operations Manager, China Registry (Head Office) Stand. 1.5.2020
Viele Grüße und besten Dank
Kleine Variation:
Dear Director,
This matter is concening the registration of your company name „xxx“, please check it earnestly.
We are an Official registrar. A few days ago, Our center received an application from Henan Max Co.,Ltd and they apply to register „xxx“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. Please confirm if you have approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Christine Yang
Senior Manager
Address:860 Wangjiang road,Shushan District,Hefei Anhui, China
Tel: (+86) 073 95215 980
Fax:(+86) 073 95215 980
Danke für den Blog. Die E-Mail kommt jetzt von register@globalcac.com
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from Network Service Company, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. We received an application from HuaYi Co Ltd on today. They want to register „XXXXX“ as their keyword and China/Asia (CN/ASIA) domain names. But after checking it, we find this name conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?.
Best Regards,
General Manager
Anhui Office (Head Office)
Registration Department Manager
NO.703, JinYin International Center, B.Y Road
web: http://www.cactwo.com
louise.yang@dntl.org.cn scchreibt mir heute:
Dear Sir,
The serious affair is about your company name …….. registration,please forward it to your company’s leader.
We are the organization engaging in registering brand name and domain names.Recently we received the registration application from Shanghai Sen Co.,Ltd,they want to register the …….. brand name and some domain names. As an authoritative and responsible registrar,we need to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Also we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Waiting for your response.
Best Regards,
Louise Yang
Senior Manager
Address:8th Floor,Berlin International,Shuangqing District,Shaoyang Hunan, China
Tel: (+86) 0 739 521 5980
Fax:(+86) 0 739 521 5980
——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——–
Betreff: samter-trias
Datum: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 10:01:19 +0800
Von: Louise Yang
Dear Sir,
The serious affair is about your company name samter-trias registration,please forward it to your company’s leader.
We are the organization engaging in registering brand name and domain names.Recently we received the registration application from Shanghai Lin Co.,Ltd,they want to register the samter-trias brand name and some domain names. As an authoritative and responsible registrar,we need to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Also we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Waiting for your response.
Best Regards,
Louise Yang
Senior Manager
Address:8th Floor,Berlin International,Shuangqing District,Shaoyang Hunan, China
Tel: (+86) 0 739 521 5980
Fax:(+86) 0 739 521 5980
Und weiter aktiv:
Von: Barbara Chen [mailto:barbara.chen@dntl.org.cn]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. August 2020 09:47
An: info
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
Dear Sir,
The serious affair is about your company name registration,please forward it to your company’s leader.
… bla bla bla
Bei uns schrieb Cathi Qin:
Dear Director,
The important matter is concening the registration of your company name „xxxxxxxx“, please send it to the person in charge of your company.
We are an Official registrar. A few days ago, Our center received an application from Huaxi Max Co.,Ltd and they apply to register „xxxxxxxx“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. Please confirm if you have approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Cathy Qin
Senior Manager
Address:8th Floor,Berlin International,Shuangqing District,Shaoyang Hunan, China
Tel: (+86) 0 739 521 5980
Fax:(+86) 0 739 521 5980
Bei uns auch die gleiche Masche
Dear Erwin:
According your needs, now I send your company the application to fill in (PDF format).On the form,I list the registration period and cost,please check the attachment. When you get the form,please finish the form 1-2 Working days and send us back,we will use the form to object the company’s application and help your company protect these names at the same time.
When you finish the form,please send me back by e-mail. Thanks!
Best regards
发件人: office@sustainflex.at
发送时间: 2020-09-01 01:47:09
收件人: alisali
主题: AW: AW: sustainflex
Dear Alisa
Many thanks for your message.
Yes please be so kind and send us application form and price list as you mention since we are interested in registration of domain .cn and .asia.
Have a nice day.
Best regards
——– Ursprüngliche Nachricht ——–
Von: alisali
Datum: Mo., 31. Aug. 2020, 07:28
An: office@sustainflex.at
Betreff: Re: AW: sustainflex
Dear Erwin:
Thanks for email.
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN/Asia domain names (.asia/.cn/.com.cn) and keyword on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
You must know Domain name takes open registration, this is international domain name registration principle. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and keyword which are unregistered. Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN/ASIA domains and keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. As a domain name registrar, we have no right to dispute their application. However, in order to avoid this conflict, as the owner of the name or trademark, your company will get the priority to make this registration in our audit period. If you think these domain names are useful for your company and want to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form and the price list to you and help you register these CN/ASIA domain names (.asia/.cn/.com.cn/) and keyword within dispute period.
Thank you.
Kind regards.
发件人: office@sustainflex.at
发送时间: 2020-08-27 16:19:33
收件人: Alisa
主题: AW: sustainflex
Dear Alisa
may I ask from which company/institute you are?
And how is your relation to mentioned company?
Best regards
——– Ursprüngliche Nachricht ——–
Von: Alisa
Datum: Di., 25. Aug. 2020, 21:26
An: office@sustainflex.at
Betreff: sustainflex
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from Network Service Company, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. We received an application from Huayi Electric Co Ltd on today. They want to register „sustainflex“ as their keyword and China/Asia (CN/ASIA) domain names. But after checking it, we find this name conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?.
Best Regards,
General Manager
Anhui Office (Head Office)
Registration Department Manager
NO.703, JinYin International Center B.Y Road
web: http://www.cactwo.com
Auch wir haben eine Mail von Barbara Chen erhalten.
Dear Sir,
The serious matter is regarding your company name thv-stein registration, please forward it to your company’s leader.
Recently we received the registration application from Hangzhou Top Co.,Ltd,they want to register the thv-stein brand name and some domain names. As an authoritative and responsible registrar,we are obliged to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Also we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Waiting for your response
Best Regards,
Barbara Chen
Senior Manager
Address:8th Floor,Berlin International,Shuangqing District,Shaoyang Hunan, China
Tel: (+86) 0 739 521 5980
Fax:(+86) 0 739 521 5980
Danke fuer den Blog. Die Masche ist schon dreist, und das Beackern von 2 verschiedenen Personen, nur um offenbar zu erzwingen dass man sich chinesische Domains registriert.
Die Person der „Registrierungsbehoerde“ ist derzeit Peter Liu, Stand November 2020.
ANTWORTET NICHT AUF DIESE EMAILS! Wie immer: erst gurgeln 😉
Danke für Euren Artikel. Denn heute bekam ich auch eine ähnliche Mail:
Dear Sir,
The christian-brunner name registration is closely related to your company name, please forward it to your company’s leader.
Recently we received the registration application from Hangzhou Sun Co.,Ltd,they want to register the christian-brunner brand name and some domain names. As an authoritative and responsible registrar,we are obliged to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Also we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.
Waiting for your response
Best Regards,
Cathy Qin
Senior Manager
Address:8th Floor,Berlin International,Shuangqing District,Shaoyang Hunan, China
Tel: (+86) 0 739 521 5980
Fax:(+86) 0 739 521 5980
(It’s very urgent, therefore we kindly ask you to forward this email to your CEO. If you believe this has been sent to you in error, please ignore it. Thanks) Dear CEO, We are the domain registration and solution center in China. On October 2, 2021, we received an application from Hongxiang Ltd requested „teamsystempro“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (teamsystempro.cn, teamsystempro.com.cn, teamsystempro.net.cn, teamsystempro.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor in China?
Best Regards
Peter Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office)
Tel: +86-2161918696
Fax: +86-2161918697
Mob: +86-13816428671
6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.
Ich habe wortgleich dieselbe Anfrage erhalten, nur mit meiner Domain – kam mir sofort verdächtig vor, danke für die Bestätigung! Dietrich Wachsmuth
mir erging es genauso mit meiner Domain. Gut das Du hierüber berichtet hast ! Deinen Artikel habe ich gefunden und konnte somit schlimmeres vermeiden.
Gruß Karl
The torture never stops. Wir schreiben das Jahr 2022 und immer noch schreibt Thomas Liu aus Shanghai ungefragte E-Mails.
„(If you are NOT CEO, please kindly forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If you believe this has been sent to you in error, please ignore it. Thanks)
Dear CEO,
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On January 20, 2022, we received an application from Hongxiang Ltd requested „XXXX“ as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (XXXX.cn, XXXX.com.cn, XXXX.net.cn, XXXX.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your business partner in China?
Best Regards
Thomas Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office)
Tel: +86-2161918696
Fax: +86-2161918697
Mob: +86-13816428671
6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
Dear Stefan A. Weber,
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN domain names ( recht-mit-anwalt.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.com.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.net.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.org.cn) and internet keyword (recht-mit-anwalt) on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered.
Because your company haven’t registered this name as CN domains ( recht-mit-anwalt.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.com.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.net.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.org.cn) and internet keyword (recht-mit-anwalt) on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN domain names (recht-mit-anwalt.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.com.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.net.cn, recht-mit-anwalt.org.cn) and internet keyword (recht-mit-anwalt) to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form with price list to you and help you register these within dispute period. Look forward to your kind reply!
Best Regards
Mike Zhang | Service Manager
Domain Registry China (Head Office)
No. 300, Xuanhua Road, Changning District, Shanghai200050, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: http://www.domainregistrychina.com
Hier wurden wir am 26.4.2022 als evangelische Kirchengemeinde angeschrieben. Hätte mich gewundert, dass sie eine evangelische Kirchengemeinde mit deutschem Ortsnamen in China registrieren wollen … Viele Grüße Sönke
Dear CEO,
(It’s very urgent, please transfer this email to your CEO. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Hai Tong Ltd on April 25, 2022. They want to register “ …-evangelisch “ as their Internet Keyword and „…-evangelisch .cn „、“…-evangelisch .com.cn “ 、“…-evangelisch .net.cn „、“…-evangelisch .org.cn “ domain names, they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find „…-evangelisch “ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards
Mike Zhang | Service Manager
Domain Registry China (Head Office)
No. 300, Xuanhua Road, Changning District, Shanghai200050, China
Tel: +86-2161918696 | Fax: +86-2161918697 | Mob: +86-1582177 1823
Web: www(dot)domainregistry(dot)org(dot)cn
Dear Sir,
This is about the registration of the name „honsberg“
Thanks for checking this formal email out.A few days ago, Our center received an application from Sent industrial Co., Ltd and they apply to register „honsberg“ as their brand name and some top-level domain names. As an Official and responsible registrar,we need to confirm if your company has approved their application.Please reply me an e-mail.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Cathy Zhao
Senior Director
Vielen Dank für das Teilen dieser Erfahrung, die auf eine Betrugsmasche aus China hinweist. Es ist großartig, dass Sie diese Informationen veröffentlicht haben, um andere vor ähnlichen Betrugsversuchen zu warnen. Die Vorsicht und das kritische Denken, die Sie angewendet haben, haben dazu beigetragen, dass Sie nicht auf diesen Betrug hereingefallen sind. Es ist wichtig, dass wir uns bewusst sind, dass solche Betrugsversuche existieren und wie man sie erkennt.
Ihre Nachricht dient als hilfreiche Warnung an andere, und ich bin sicher, dass sie vielen Menschen dabei helfen wird, ähnlichen Betrugsversuchen aus dem Weg zu gehen. Wenn Sie weitere solche Informationen oder Warnungen haben, zögern Sie nicht, sie zu teilen. Vielen Dank, dass Sie zur Aufklärung der Online-Community beitragen!
Beste Grüße,